War Thunder Update 1.69 "Assault" (25.05.2017)
- ソ連
- アメリカ
- ドイツ
- Sturmpanzer II
- Ru 251 (premium)
- 日本
- Type 87
- Type 95 Ro-Go (premium)
- Type 60 ATM
- イギリス
- ソ連
- DB-3B (M-87)/3T (М-87)
- IL-4/4T(model updated)
- アメリカ
- ドイツ
- Ju 87B-2 (model updated)
- Ju 87D-3 (model updated)
- Ju 87D-5 (model updated)
- Ju 87G-1 (model updated)
- Ju 87G-2 (model updated)
- Ju 87R-2 (model updated)
- 日本
- イギリス
- Lincoln B Mk II
- Spitfire Mk IIb (model updated)
- "Ardennes"(混合戦マップ)
- "Guiana Highlands"(AB空戦マップ)
- Eastern Europe - 水陸両用戦車用に運河からの出口が追加された(画像)。
- マップの反対側と比較して風車のある丘が大幅に少なくなった(画像)。
- Berlin - 水陸両用戦車用に運河からの出口が追加された(画像)。
- 「ルーム」(ロビー)システム - 空SBに実装。
- Co-opミッション"Assault"は現在は航空機しかプレイできない。
- 日本地上車両にテストドライブが追加された。
- 対ソビエト地上車両のテストドライブでIS-4がT-10に、T-95がIS-4に置き換えられた。
- BR3.7~4.7の航空機のミッションで基地を破壊するのにone less 1,000kg bombが必要になった。
- インベントリのボタンがショップメニューに移動した。
- メニュータブから「イベント&トーナメント」ボタンが削除され、代わりに「トーナメント」と「ストリーム&レコード」が追加された。
- Ho 229 - reduced stability margin yaw, reduced changes to balancing and redundant pitch up at high speeds.
- J7W1 - Revised weight balance and stabilization; made more pronounced, reduced the likelihood of falling into a tailspin in AB.
- Yak (entire line) - adjusted the operation of the propeller at low speeds (M-105 engines), fixed the calculation of lift with full wing flaps extended.
- Supermarine Spitfire (entire line) - Fixed calculation of lift on the wings.
- Bf 109 (entire line) - reduced flap release speed according to the real aircraft (full turn of the wheel corresponds to about 5 degrees)
- F9F-8 - Fixed a bug with heavy use of the ailerons at certain speeds.
- Gloster Meteor Mk 4, Mk 8 - Fixed a bug with the description of the engines.
- P-38 (entire line) - the maximum permissible speed specified for the release of the flaps has been increased in accordance with the flight manual.
- MiG-3-15, MiG-3-34 - corrected the dynamic pressure of the engine at altitude. Improved fuselage stabilisation.
- P-40E, G-50, MC.200, MC.202, Ki-10-II - the flight model has been updated in accordance with the current datasheet. The detailed specifications can be found in the datasheet section.
- Do 335 (entire line) - reduced vibrations of the gun sight, refined thermodynamics and radiator control.
- Typhoon (entire line) - Specified the geometrical data of the aircraft. Refined the aerodynamics of the aircraft. This included separate fuel tanks, primarily the spent main tanks progressing to the wing tanks. The amount of fuel loaded and weapons affect the alignment of the aircraft, Including the choice of mixture. Specified fuel consumption at different engine operating modes. Updated the thermodynamics of the aircraft. Added the ability to stay afloat for a short period during an emergency landing on water.
- Typhoon Mk Ia - Added extended features such as a functioning cockpit canopy.
- Tempest Mk V - Specified the geometrical data of the aircraft. Refined the aerodynamics of the aircraft. The auxiliary tank was updated and separate fuel tanks are now enabled. The amount of fuel loaded and weapons affect the alignment of the aircraft, Including the choice of mixture. Specified fuel consumption at different engine operating modes. Updated the thermodynamics of the aircraft. Added the ability to stay afloat for a short period during an emergency landing on water.
- Tempest Mk II - Specified the geometrical data of the aircraft. Refined the aerodynamics of the aircraft. The auxiliary tank was updated and separate fuel tanks are now enabled. The amount of fuel loaded and weapons affect the alignment of the aircraft, Including the choice of mixture. Specified fuel consumption at different engine operating modes. Updated the thermodynamics of the aircraft, Including the ability to control the oil cooler. Added the ability to stay afloat for a short period during an emergency landing on water.
- Sea Fury - Specified the geometrical data of the aircraft. Refined the aerodynamics of the aircraft. The auxiliary tank was updated and separate fuel tanks are now enabled. The amount of fuel loaded and weapons affect the alignment of the aircraft, Including the choice of mixture. Specified fuel consumption at different engine operating modes. Updated the thermodynamics of the aircraft, Including the ability to control the oil cooler. Added the ability to stay afloat for a short period during an emergency landing on water.
- P-400, P-39 (entire line) - The amount of fuel and ammunition carried now has a more pronounced effect on the alignment of the aircraft. Acceleration improved (especially in a dive). Controllability at high speeds has been increased. Resistance is reduced at low speeds. Fixed a bug in which the firing of guns on the ground led to the aircraft overturning. Adjusted thermodynamics. Total control of the aircraft improved in all game modes.
- Ki-84 (entire line) - the flight model has been updated in accordance with the current datasheet. The detailed specifications can be found in the datasheet section.
- P-47 (entire line), Ki-83 - Fixed a bug which leads to a shortfall in engine power at altitudes above 6500 meters. Flight data has not changed and matches the datasheets.
- Lincoln B Mk II - データシートにもとづき設定が行われた。
- B-10B - データシートにもとづき設定が行われた。
- Ki-67-1 (entire line) - データシートにもとづき設定が行われた。
- DB-3 - データシートにもとづき設定が行われた。
- A-26B - データシートにもとづき設定が行われた。
- 以下の車両で冬季迷彩をGEで購入することが出来なくなった:
Leopard A1A1, Pz.III B, RakJPz 2, RakJPz 2 HOT, 8,8 cm Flak 37 Sfl., LVT(A)(4) ZIS-2, M163, T20, M551, T29, M56, ASU-57, ASU-85, IT-1, КВ-122, Object 906, ZIS-43, Type-62, Т-62, ZSU-23-4
今後はアンロックすることによってのみ獲得できる。 - イギリスのA-30 Challengerがランク4からランク3に移動した。
- 日本の乗員のボイスオーバーが追加された。
- KV-220のエンジンの過給機のサウンドが追加された。
- MG C30 L automatic cannonの新たなサウンドが追加された。
- Type 3 machine gunとM2の新たなサウンドが追加された。
- Type 92 machine gun (and Lewis)の新たなサウンドが追加された。
- 一部のマップエリアで発生するクライアントのクラッシュが修正された。
- F6F-5のコクピットの機器のアニメーションに関する不具合が修正された。
- N1K1-Jaの破壊不能のフロートが修正された。
- 主翼が破壊された後のN1K1-Jaの補助フロートの表示が修正された。
- M26 T99の砲の昇降音の繰り返しが修正された。
- 異なる国の乗員のボイスオーバーの選択に関する不具合が修正された。
- フラップが左右対称に展開しないアニメーション上の問題が修正された。
- Nakajima Kikkaの追加の(研究できる)武装がX線ビューで表示されない不具合が修正された。
- 一部の航空機および地上車両のテクスチャバグが修正された。
- 航空機の排気管からの炎のエフェクトが追加された。
- HESHの様々な装甲貫徹力の値に関する不具合が修正され、装甲貫徹力の値が見直された。
- Cromwell Mk I - 車長用ハッチおよび機銃周りが詳細になった。
- Comet I / Comet Iron Duke IV - 車長用ハッチおよび機銃周りが詳細になった。
- T92 - 7.62mm機銃のモデルがM73からM37に修正された。
- FV4004 - 機銃のモデルがBESAからブローニングに変更された。
- M551 - 最高速度の値が40km/hから69km/hに修正された。
- ランク5の戦車の弾薬庫がより詳細になった(多数のモジュールに分割された。)。
- The "add-on armour" modificationによってelemetnsの量に応じて車両の重量が増加するようになった。
- 連続ログインに対する追加の報酬(デカール)が追加された。
- 翼の分解がX線ビューで表示されるモデルに対応すようになった。
- 航空機のパーツの破壊(翼や尾部の分解など)に関して、ダメージモデルと視覚モデルが一致するようになった。
- 水上機のフロートの破壊モデルがアップデートされた。
- 固定脚を持つ航空機の全てに胴体の破壊が追加された。
- Fixed the suspension mounting gap for weapons on wing mounted pylons.
- エルロンの傾きが航空機の空気抵抗に与える影響が修正された。
- 爆弾の投下アームが追加された(Ju 87, SBD-3)。
- Fixed internal damage for aircraft collisions. Now, parts of the model are not damaged by weak and minor collisions.
- 甲板上での航空機の挙動が改善された(プロペラの破損を引き起こす不具合が修正された)。
- 開いている爆弾倉扉の空気抵抗が明確になった。
- Fixed the fuselage gap that released water from the PBY-5A.
- Updated fight models for aircraft with aerodynamic asymmetry in AB. They are no longer leaning forward.
- Updated mechanics for the damage model regarding aircraft control surfaces - added a probability factor so that now the separation takes place in a certain speed range.
- General fixes in the behavior of various parts of the aircraft damage model, such as the separation of the wings and tail units.
- P-39 (all models) - Updated armour in cockpit.
- H8K2, H8K3 - 800kg HE bombs have been added.
- J2M4 kai - Weaponry has been changed. Type 92 mod 1 - wing cannons have been replaced with Type 92 mod 2 cannons.
- Pokryshkin’s P-39N-0 - Armour has been fixed.
- The problem, where on some aircraft it wasn’t possible to create user camouflage has been fixed.
- Wrong name of the Pe-2-31 in German localization has been fixed.
- Wellington - A bug, where dropping torpedoes required the the bomb-bay to be opened has been fixed. Separate dropping of torpedoes has been added.
- Hudson Mk V - The angles of elevation of the defense machine gun have been corrected.
- Flaps, rudder and aileron DM has been corrected for all planes.
- G5N1 - deflection angles for upper defensive turret have been corrected
- A bug with modification “bullet proof glass” has been fixed on affected aircraft.
- Typhoon Mk.Ib - Rocket weaponry has been added.
- Type 91 mod2 and mod3 torpedoes setup according to USNTMTJ - Japanese Torpedoes and Tubes - Article 2 Aircraft Torpedoes. (source)
- Wirraway - Information about defensive weaponry has been added.
- Tu-2 - Additional bomb load has been added.
- Do 17Z-2 - Defensive weaponry has been fixed.
- Hampden TB Mk I, Hampden TB Mk.I UTK-1 - preset with bombs/torpedo has been deleted. Presets with 4x1000lb + 2x250lb and 6x250lb bombs have been added.
- Spitfires (all models) - Errors with armour have been fixed.
- Pe-2-31 - Localization in the German version has been fixed.
- Ki-21-I hei - Deflection angles for upper defensive turret have been corrected.
- A-20G-25 - Deflection angles for upper defensive turret have been corrected.
- Ki-49-I - Information about defensive weaponry has been added.
- DM on engine nacelle engines for all aircraft has been fixed when landing.
- He 111H-6 - Defensive weaponry has been fixed.
- H8K2, H8K3 - Deflection angles for upper defensive turret have been corrected. 800kg HE bombs have been added.
- Pe-8 - A bug, where it was possible to shoot from stern turret by killed gunner has been fixed.
- SB-2M - (all models) - Nasal defensive turret has been fixed.
- Do 217E-4 - Information about defensive weaponry has been added.
- Ju 88C-6 - Ammunition for defensive weaponry has been fixed.
- Ki-45 otsu - 37mm canon modification has been added.
- A bug, where by dropping bombs from pylons the message popped-up that the bomb-bay is closed has been fixed.
- Ju 88 (all models) - Information about the defensive weaponry has been fixed.
- Ar 234B-2 - Errors with armour have been fixed.
- Added new aircraft rockets:
- Soviet Union - RBS 82, RBS 132
- Japan - Type 3 No.1 Mod.28 Mk.1, Type 5 No.1 Mod.9, Type 3 No.6 Mod.27 Mk.1, Type 5 No.6 Mod.9
- Germany:
- Leopard A1A1 (two-plane)
- FlakPz Gepard (two-plane)
- PT-76B (two-plane)
- Object 906. (two-plane)
- T-10M (two-plane)
- T-62 (two-plane)
- ZSU-23-4 (two-plane)
- USA:
- M551 (two-plane)
- M60A1 (two-plane)
- M3 / M3A1 (single-plane, vertical)
- M5A1 (single-plane, vertical)
- M4 / M4A1 / M4A2 (single-plane, vertical)
- M4A1 (76) W (single-plane, vertical)
- M4A2 (76) W (single-plane, vertical)
- M4A3 (76) W (single-plane, vertical)
- M4A3E2 (single-plane, vertical)
- M4A3E2 Cobra King (single-plane, vertical)
- M4A3E2 (76) W (single-plane, vertical)
- M24 (single-plane, vertical)
- Great Britain:
- Centurion Mk 3 (two-plane)
- Centurion Mk 10 (two-plane)
- Chieftain Mk 3 (two-plane)
- Conqueror (two-plane)
- Falcon (two-plane)
- Japan:
- STB-1 (two-plane)
- Type 74 (two-plane)
- M24 (single-plane, vertical)
- M4A3 (76) W (single-plane, vertical)
- Germany:
- Pz.35 (t)
- Pz.38 (t) Ausf. A
- Pz.38 (t) Ausf. F
- Great Britain:
- A13 all model
- Tetrarch Mk I
- Valentine Mk I
- Matilda Mk II
- Crusader Mk II
- Japan:
- Ha-Go
- Ha-Go Commander
- Chi-Ha
- Ch-Ha Kai
- Chi-He
- Ka-Mi
- Ke-Ni