
Last-modified: 2018-06-25 (月) 23:43:07

[GM #140] Forgotten Skies 2018/06/11


It’s Monday and we’re here for a Grim Misadventure! Last time, we sampled some of the monster menagerie coming in the Forgotten Gods expansion.

月曜日は Grim Misadventure の日!
前回、拡張 FG で登場予定のモンスター群についてサンプルをお見せしました。

Today, we turn our eyes to the skies, as a fog is lifted and forgotten constellations shine once more upon the people of Cairn.


Great powers stir within the Celestial tapestry, some forgotten, some merely hiding from a celestial conflict that Shattered all they had created. Today, we will look at their lessers, their servants:


Lotus 蓮[ハス]


A celestial omen of good fortune. Those born under its light are said to have lives of peace and happiness.

幸運を表す、天界の兆し。 その光の下で生まれた人々には、平和と幸福がもたらされると言われる。

Mantis 蟷螂[カマキリ]


The mantis hungrily tears at the celestial tapestry, eager for wallowing stars to devour.


Nighttalon ナイトタロン


The nighttalon is an elusive and agile hunter, stalking the night sky for easy prey.


Scarab スカラベ


The scarab scurries across the night sky, seeking Azrakaa's sands to burrow into.


Hyrian, Guardian of the Celestial Gates ハイリアン, 天界の門の守護者

Hyrian Guardian of the Celestial Gates

Hyrian is the immortal creation of Targo the Builder, created millennia ago to stand eternal vigil over the celestial tapestry the primordial gods inhabit.


Ulzaad, Herald of Korvaak ウルザード, コルヴァークの使者

Ulzaad Herald of Korvaak

A titan loyal only to Korvaak, Ulzaad heralded the arrival of his patron to all his subjects. Without his master's command, Ulzaad became disillusioned and lost, eventually driven to madness and despair.


In total, Forgotten Gods will feature 9 new Constellations, 5 of which will include all-new Celestial Powers. What gifts do you suppose the gods will bestow upon you this 23:09:13

FG では、合計で 9 の新規星座、5 の新たな星座スキルが登場します。

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 06/25/2018 for the next Grim Misadventure.


[GM #139] Guardians of Korvan 2018/05/28


Welcome back to Grim Misadventures, where we put the update in dev updates. Last time, we had some really exciting news for you with the introduction of the Forgotten Gods Rune Augments. Today, we’re going back into the desert sands to explore just what threats await in Grim Dawn’s upcoming expansion.

開発アップデートの最前線、Grim Misadventure のお戻り。
前回、ルーン増強剤 (Rune Augments) の導入に関するエキサイティングなニュースをお届けしました。

The Korvan Basin was once home to a prosperous nation, that is before they were torn asunder by the rage of a forgotten god and their wealth was scattered to the desert winds. Now the basin is teeming with ruins, ruins that still hold powerful secrets for those brave enough to claim them.


That is if you get past the guardians.


Animated Keepers 活動する番人

As ancient as the ruins themselves, these guardians were forged to resemble the celestial figures that were central to life in the Korvan Basin. To this day, they keep eternal vigil over what remains of the Korvan people, even though the very people they were created to protect are long gone.

Animated Guardians

Do not mistake their still features and stone joints as a sign of weakness. These guardians are powered by unnatural eldritch forces that give them a form of life. If they, or their wards are threatened, expect to be met with a few tons of resistance.


Some of the temples in the region remain untouched after centuries due to the mighty protectors that still stand at their gates.


Stone Gryphons 石造りのグリフォン

Formed from the same stone used to create the animated guardians, these formidable beings were shaped to resemble the deadly beasts that soar the skies of the Korvan Basin.

アニメイテッド ガーディアンと同じ石を用いて作られたこの恐ろしい存在は、コルヴァン盆地の空を駆ける致死的な獣を模して形作られました。
Stone Gryphon

Just as the creatures they resemble, the Stone Gryphons have powerful claws and vicious beaks capable of shredding their foes. Take great care when approaching these statues, as you may never know which are merely decorative…and which are guardians left behind to ward off against would be thieves.

その生物に似せているとおり、ストーン グリフォンは強力な爪と、敵を引き裂く獰猛な嘴を持ちます。

If you wish to learn the secrets of the Korvan people and plunder their tombs, you will have no choice but to face off against these eternal protectors.


For the uninitiated, you may be excited to learn that we do dev livestreams about every two weeks, and they include spoilers! We started off last Friday’s stream with a little taste of the Forgotten Gods soundtrack. You can check it out here!

情報通で無い方は、2週間ごとに行われている *ネタバレを含む* 開発ストリームに興奮するかもしれません。
先週金曜のストリームから、FG のサウンドトラックを少し流し始めました。 要チェック!

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 06/11/2018 for the next Grim Misadventure.


[GM #138] Moving Right Along 2018/05/15


注: 今回いくつかgifアニメーション画像が使用されていますが wiki のファイル容量制限 (512kB) に引っ掛かるため、該当画像への直リンクを行っています。予めご了承ください。

Welcome back to Grim Misadventures!

Grim Misadventure のご登場!

You might have heard, but Grim Dawn had a small thing last week. Just, you know, another huge patch. No big deal! If you haven’t hunted down that kraken, what are you waiting for?!

もう聞いているかもわかりませんが、Grim Dawn には先週ちょっとした事がありました。
まあ、新しい大規模パッチです。 そんなのは大したことではありません!

But you’re probably here because of that other thing we’re working on…the Forgotten Gods expansion!

しかしながらここに来ているということは、我々が取り組んでいる、それとは別の… 拡張 Forgotten Gods についてでしょう!

Today’s development update brings to light something pretty moving. We’re not sure whether to call it a Quality of Life improvement or just plain Really Awesome Stuff.

我々はそれを QoL 改善と呼ぶべきか、もしくは "超ヤバい代物" なのかはまだわかりません。

What I’m referring to is our new Rune Augments!

それは、新しい "ルーン増強剤 (Rune Augments)" です!

Rune Augments? So, what makes them so special compared to the powders you’ve been slapping on all your gear? Well, for starters, this new series of Augments is applied exclusively to Medals.

ルーン増強剤だって? それは今装備にペシペシしているパウダーに比べて、何が特別なのでしょう?
まず始めに、この新しい増強剤類は メダルにだけ 適用できます。

However, unlike standard Faction Augments currently in the game, Rune Augments grant you active abilities. Abilities of a certain…mobile nature.

特定の… 移動する能力を。

Allow us to demonstrate:


Rift Tear 空間断絶

Rift Tear

For those of you a little more familiar with Grim Dawn's engine, this is a pretty big deal; but yes, Forgotten Gods is introducing a legitimate Teleport skill that respects dynamic barriers, dynamite barricades and the pathing system. That’s not all though! Here at Crate Entertainment, we always do MOAR.

Grim Dawn のエンジンを少々詳しく把握している人々にとっては、これは大事件でしょう ;
しかし Forgotten Gods では、変動性の障壁やダイナマイトを要するバリケード、通行システムを尊重した正当なるテレポートスキルを導入します。
これがすべてではありません! Crate Entertainment では、"もっと" 多くのことをしています。

Let’s Get Moving 移動しよう

Here is the rundown of the six movement skill archetypes you will be able to choose from:

選択できる 6つ のスキル構築タイプを以下に示します:
Charge Rune

Charge, the bread and butter of mobility, allows you to quickly close the distance between yourself and a target, dealing damage on a relatively short cooldown. A core ability in the Soldier mastery now available to all classes, but then why not charge Twice!

[チャージ] 移動の必需品、これは標的に対して素早く間を詰め、比較的短いクールダウンでダメージを与えることを可能とします。
ソルジャーマスタリーの核となる能力が全クラスで使用可能になる格好ですが、"2回" やろうとは思いませんか?

Vanish Rune

Vanish, a staple of the Nightblade mastery, hides you from your enemies before reappearing next to a target to strike them on a relatively short cooldown.

[ヴァニッシュ] ナイトブレイドマスタリーの定番、敵から身を隠し、目の前に現れて比較的短いクールダウンで打ち掛かります。

Rift Tear Rune

Rift Tear teleports you instantly to a nearby target location. You saw an example of this ability in action above!

[リフト ティア] 近くの目標エリアに即時テレポートします。 上記に載せている能力です!

Disengage Rune

Disengage allows you to blind nearby foes and then jump to safety behind you.

[ディスエンゲイジ] 近くの敵を盲目にし、安全な背後へと飛び退くことができます。

Leap Rune

Leap hurls you across the battlefield to smash the ground at your target destination, damaging and briefly stunning nearby foes. It’s more fun with moving pictures:

[リープ] 目標地点へと戦場を飛び越えて地面を打ち、近くの敵にダメージと短い気絶を与えます。

Leap Animation
Rush Rune

Rush charges to a destination, but not before you smash every enemy along the way. For those feeling pushy. Let’s see it in action:

[ラッシュ] ある地点へと突進し、その道沿いすべての敵に打撃を与えます。
押せ押せな人のために。 アクションを見てみましょう:

Rush Animation

Acquiring Runes of Power 力のルーンの獲得

The next question you may be asking is, just how exactly will you be acquiring all these sweet abilities?


Turns out, that’s a multilayered answer. With this addition, any existing mobility skills on Items or Components will find a new home on the new Rune Augments and the items in question will receive new skills. The Runes themselves will also feature several versions. The most common of these will be available for purchase from the three new friendly factions we are introducing in Forgotten Gods. As soon as you pledge your Oath to one of the Witch God cults, you will gain access to two of the six listed above!

この中で最も低級のものは、Forgotten Gods で導入される 3つ の新規友好派閥から購入することができます。

Perhaps you seek greater power still. Legends speak of Epic quality Runes created by blacksmiths. Blueprints for these formidable Augments drop from some of Cairn’s most powerful foes. These Runes are not only more effective, whereas that means shorter cooldowns or longer travel distance, but may also introduce new effects such as different damage types or debuffs.

多分、貴方は更に強大な力を求めるでしょう。 伝説は、鍛冶屋によって作られる*エピック*級のルーンのことを語ります。

Charge Chaos Leap 2

But wait, there’s more! Ultimate power awaits those brave enough to tackle the Forgotten Gods shattering new game mode. Survive its treacherous challenges and be rewarded with Legendary blueprints for the most powerful Runes in the game.

ちょっと待った! 究極の力は、Forgotten Gods の新ゲームモードを粉砕する勇者を待っています。

Charge 2 Rift Tear 2

Just what does earning these mighty runes entail? I suppose that is a story for another time.

これらの力強いルーンを得るために、何が伴うのか? それはまた別の機会に。

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 05/28/2018 for the next Grim Misadventure.


[GM #137] A Patch Near You 2018/04/30


Welcome back to Grim Misadventures!

Grim Misadventure のお戻り!

While Forgotten Gods cooks on full burn, we have some more immediate news to share with you today. As we mentioned last time, patch v1.0.6.0 entered testing and is well under way.

Forgotten Gods は全力進行中ですが、まずは今日発表できるニュースを見ていきましょう。
前回お知らせした通り、V1.0.6.0 は、水面下で順調にテストを進行しています。

Today, we’d like to give you a preview of what’s all to come in Grim Dawn’s latest major content update!

今日は、来たる Grim Dawn の最新メジャーアップデートのプレビューをお見せしましょう!

As always, every free content update is filled with tuning adjustments and general improvements in addition to new content and features, so let’s sample what's in store as we near the release of this patch:


Unleash the Kraken! クラーケンのお出まし!

Kra’vall, the Ancient of the Waters has stirred within Ugdenbog and awaits daring new morsels. Beware, as its lair is heavily guarded by local Slith, which are certain to defend their aquatic ‘god’.

Kra'vall, the Ancient of the Waters [クラ'ヴァール, 水の古老] はウグデンボーグの中で蠢き、次の餌食を待っています。
気をつけてください。 その隠れ家は彼らが祀る「水神」を護るため、その地のスリスらによって厳重に守られています。
Kra'vall the Ancient of the Waters

What better reason to hunt down this beastie though than a one-shot chest and 2 new unique Monster Infrequents? Happy hunting, and good luck!

ワンショットチェストや 2つ の新たなMI、それ以上にこの獣を狩り取る理由は?

Shaking up the Crucible 坩堝の刷新

The Crucible’s end-game has stagnated a bit and we’re going to give it a nice big boost, with significant balance changes that should bring new playstyles into the fray.


A quick rundown of some of what’s to come:


Defensive Ability is capped at 60% Chance to Hit, meaning enemies will never have a lower than 60% chance to hit you, and vice-versa. As Defensive Ability stacking was a popular choice for surviving the dangers of the Crucible, additional changes are being made to compensate for this and even the playing field.

防御能力の被打率は 60% でキャップされます。 これは、敵がこちらへ打ち掛かる命中率が 60% 未満になることはなく、またその逆も同様です。

Increased Tributes rewarded at Wave 160 and 170

ウェーブ160 および 170 の報酬トリビュートを増加。

Reduced number of non-boss enemy spawns in the 151-170 range

ウェーブ151-170 の雑魚敵スポーン数を減少。

Reduced effectiveness of monster crowd control and fumble effects as well as increased monster susceptibility to crowd control


Reduced damage dealt by Nemesis bosses


Significantly increased the power and utility of player-constructed beacons


Increased the power of Celestial Blessings, particularly for pets

天界の祝福の能力を (特にペット向けに) 増加。

Legendary Collection Grows 新たなレジェンダリー コレクション

Three new sets and with them new opportunities for builds are on the way:

3つ の新たなセットで、ビルドに新たな可能性を加えます:
Radaggan's Folly

Radaggan’s Folly ラダガンの愚行


Rimetongue ライムタン

The Blood Knight

The Blood Knight ザ ブラッド ナイト

Qualities of Life プレイクオリティ

No more level requirements at the Illusionist, look as badass as you want on your new characters right from the gallows!

幻術師からレベル要求が撤廃されます。 絞首台から降りた新キャラクターをすぐさま、とびきりのワルに仕立て上げましょう!

Track down Nemesis bosses with a new minimap icon that displays their position when they are near!

Nemesis Icon

Balance Changes

Over 60 changes to items in addition to adjustments to every mastery. Pet skills are seeing some major changes for the pet lovers out there to experiment on.

全マスタリーへの調整に加えて、60 以上のアイテムが変更されます。

Bosses had their innate resistances rebalanced so that they have a better spread across all the various damage types, rather than more frequently penalizing Physical and Pierce damage.


All this and more (MOAR!) is coming posthaste as we wrap up testing in early May and get Patch v1.0.6.0 out to you!

その他諸々を含むすべては、現在テスト中で 5月上旬 に配信予定のパッチ V1.0.6.0 で!

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 05/14/2018 for the next Grim Misadventure.


[GM #136] Enter the Korvan Plateau 2018/04/16


Here we are with another Grim Misadventure, the #1 locally sourced source of Grim Dawn development update news. Last time, we announced one of the awesome new quality of life features we’re working on for Forgotten Gods. But much still remains to be revealed for the upcoming 2nd expansion to Grim Dawn.

Grim Dawn の第一次開発情報源、Grim Misadventure がここに。
前回、我々が取り組んでいる Forgotten Gods の素晴らしいQoL新機能についてお知らせしました。

In more immediate news, you’ll be happy to know that v1.0.6.0 testing has begun and we expect to roll out the latest free content update in the coming weeks!

当座のニュースとしては、V1.0.6.0 のテストが始まり、数週間内にはこの最新無料コンテンツを公開する予定です!

Today though, we’re going on a tour…keep your arms and appendages inside the car because we are entering the unknown…of the Korvan Plateau.

今日はツアーへ行きましょう… 手などは車から出さないように、なんてったって… 未知のコルヴァン高原へと向かうのですから。

Far from the reaches of the Erulan empire, long before the first Erulan banner was even raised, a culture thrived in the oases of the Korvan Plateau. A culture deeply rooted in tradition and faith, where an Oath made upon the temple steps was worth more than the gold that lined its statues and walls.


Here was a land of purity by fire, of virtue through zealous faith to a god of unfathomable power. But then tragedy struck, the land was split asunder with violent eruptions and the people scattered to the winds to escape the enraged wrath of their patron. Or perhaps it was the land itself reacting to the agony of its celestial benefactor. None living today could tell you for certain, no human anyway.

しかしその後、悲劇が襲います。 大地は噴火と共に裂け、人々は彼らの守護者の怒りから逃れんと散り散りになりました。
Korvan Plateau 1

The civilization crumbled into ruin, its riches plundered by thieves and opportunists, but something has awakened deep beneath the sands. A fire once again burns within the temple and new eyes are drawn to this once sacred place.


What will they discover? What terrible secrets await?

そこで見つかるものとは? どんな酷い秘密が待ち受けているのか?

Korvan Plateau 2 Korvan Plateau 3 Korvan Plateau 4
Korvan Plateau 5 Korvan Plateau 6

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 04/30/2018 for the next Grim Misadventure.
