Magazine マガジン

Last-modified: 2024-07-17 (水) 16:04:29

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[GM #183] - Ascension

A Grim Misadventure indeed. If last time was veritably giant, this time we’re ascending to the heavens! And then coming back down, because there is no sky in an ARPG.


When we first announced Fangs of Asterkarn last year, we laid out our planned feature set:



At the top of the list was Ascendant Mode, the crowning system of the next expansion. Since this is central to today’s reveal, let us first go over what Ascendant Mode is going to be.


After installing Fangs of Asterkarn, when you reach level 100 on a character (or let us be real, when you boot up the game and scroll down your list of level 100 characters!),
you will find the option to toggle a new difficulty mode.


Much like Veteran was for Normal difficulty, Ascendant Mode is applied on top of Ultimate difficulty,


which means all your quest progress and decisions will immediately carry over and you will be able to switch between the two at any time without losing progress.


Ascendant Mode is intended to be challenging, with monsters posing a threat similar to what the Shattered Realm’s 60th Shard would be.

アセンダントモードは、シャッタード レルム の第60シャードと同じような脅威をモンスターに与える、挑戦的なモードである。

But what it will also do is enable a number of new mechanics intended to spice up your campaign experience and make running through the world exciting again.

しかし、それはまた、キャンペーン体験にスパイスを加え、世界の走破を再びエキサイティングなものにすることを目的とした 多くの新しい仕組みを有効にすることにもなります。

In that sense, we want to make the campaign world the third pillar of endgame!


Note: as always, everything you are seeing today is in active development and subject to change. Nothing is set in stone until it is!


Table of Contents

Ascendant Drops (アセンダント ドロップ)

Currently in Grim Dawn, when you get a rare item, unless it is a Monster Infrequent, you are probably not going to give it much thought unless you are really struggling in that gear slot.

現在 Grim Dawn では、レアアイテムを手に入れても、それがモンスター固有品でない限りは、そのギアスロットで本当に苦労していなければ、あまり気にすることはないだろう。

That is understandable, Monster Infrequents come with substantial baseline stats that common items simply cannot compete with.


For this reason, Ascendant Mode will grant all common items a chance to Ascend. Ascended items will roll a third affix that comes with many powerful and unusual bonuses.

このため、アセンダントモードでは、すべてのコモン アイテムにアセンド(昇格)のチャンスが与えられます。

These will help you get some hard to find skill bonuses, and to fill in gaps in your stats. You may even find a damage conversion that cannot be found anywhere else.


We believe this will not only make these common drops more exciting again, but give you all new ways to deck out your builds!


And, of course, this new affix will be compatible with the Affix Reroll system coming in Fangs of Asterkarn, but more on that in a future update. (^_-

そしてもちろん、この新しいアフィックスは、『アスターカーンの牙』で導入されるアフィックス リロール システムと互換性がありますが、それについては将来のアップデートでさらに詳しく説明されます。 (^_-

Tempest Totems (大嵐のトーテム)

If you are a fan of Monster Totem hunting, then this feature is for you. In Ascendant Mode, all totems will have a chance to upgrade to a new challenging Tempest Totem.

モンスター トーテム狩りのファンなら、この機能はあなたにぴったりです。アセンダント モードでは、すべてのトーテムが新しい挑戦的な 大嵐のトーテム にアップグレードされるチャンスを持ちます。

These accursed effigies will spit out powerful enemies and a mini-boss, which you will have to defeat to earn their loot.

これらの呪われた彫像は、それらを倒して戦利品を獲得するための 強力な敵とミニボスを吐き出します。

Tempest Totems will have a chance of dropping some unique items that you will struggle to find anywhere else in the game!

大嵐のトーテム からは、ゲーム内の他の場所では見つけるのが難しいユニークなアイテムがドロップされる可能性があります!

As every totem in Cairn will have a chance to upgrade in this manner, all of your favorite farming routes will continue to be a valid option.

ケアンのすべてのトーテムはこのようにアップグレードする機会があるため、お気に入りのファーミング ルートはすべて引き続き有効なオプションとなります。

Resplendent Troves (華麗なる宝物庫)

Treasure Troves have fallen a bit out of favor over time, but we will be touching up their loot for all versions of the game in a future update.


However, when playing in Ascendant Mode, you will find that the troves will have a chance of upgrading to a Resplendent Trove.

一方で、アセンダント モードでプレイしていると、宝物庫が「華麗なる宝物庫」にアップグレードする可能性があることがわかるでしょう。

Predictably, you will find vastly improved drops should you stumble upon one of these!


Explorers searching every nook of the world should be sure to carry some dynamite around. They are far more economical than a set of lockpicks!


Marked by the Void (虚無の刻印)

For the next mechanic, we took a cue from one of Grim Dawn Community League’s popular features.

次のメカニズムについては、Grim Dawn コミュニティ リーグの人気機能の 1 つを参考にしました。

In Ascendant Mode, virtually all treasure chests will have a chance to become marked by the void.

アセンダント モードでは、事実上ほぼすべての宝箱に虚無の刻印が付く可能性があります。

When this occurs, opening the chest will attract fiends from the darkest depths of the Ch’thon’s domain to your location.

これが起こると、宝箱を開けた時に ク'トーンの領域の最も暗い深淵から悪鬼があなたのいる場所に引き寄せられます。

Defeat them to earn additional loot and some of the new crafting materials from Fangs of Asterkarn.


Marked chests have a high likelihood of attracting the vile Heralds of Ch’thon. Do not lose your sanity to the void!


The Dread (ザ ドレッド)

Lastly, as you progress in Ascendant Mode, you may find the unsettling feeling that you are being watched.

最後に、アセンダント モードが進むにつれて、自分が監視されているような不穏な感覚を覚えるかもしれない。

As you slay enemies, you may attract the attention of the Dread, an unspeakable horror drawn to wanton slaughter and destruction.

敵どもを倒すと、無謀な殺戮と破壊に引き寄せられる、言いようのない恐怖、ザ ドレッド の注意を引くことがある。

This mechanic might seem familiar to those that have been playing in the recently released v1.2.1 update, which overhauled Nemesis boss spawns.

このメカニズムは、ネメシス・ボスの出現が全面的に改良された、最近リリースの v1.2.1 アップデートでプレイしている人にとっては馴染みがあるかもしれません。

This powerful foe is not something to be trifled with.


Only the most prepared characters will have any hope of defeating it, ones that regularly tackle some of Grim Dawn’s mightiest enemies…

Grim Dawn 最強の敵に定期的に挑んでいるような、最も準備の整ったキャラクターだけが、これを倒す望みを持てるでしょう...。

MOAR?! (更にもっと?!)

As development went on, we predictably found ourselves quickly returning to old habits…which is to say you are once again going to be getting MOAR.


Ascendant Mode was always going to have all matter of new gameplay mechanics and challenges, but we were not satisfied with that. We started tinkering with the possibilities.

アセンダント モードには、常に新しいゲームプレイの仕組みと課題が盛り込まれる予定でしたが、私たちはそれで満足しませんでした。私たちは可能性を模索し始めました。

What we came away with is the Ascension Altar.

私たちが手に入れたのは、アセンション アルター(昇天の祭壇) です。

When you reach the Kurn settlement in Asterkarn, you will gain access to this sacred site.

アスターカーンにある Kurn 族の集落に到着すると、この聖地にアクセスできるようになります。

The Ascension Altar enables you to take all the mechanics we described above (and more!) and to cater them to your playstyle.

昇天の祭壇を使用すると、上で説明したすべてのメカニズム (およびそれ以上のもの!) を自分のプレイスタイルに合わせて調整できます。

The altar is split into two sections: the center and the outer circles.

この祭壇は2つのセクションに分かれています:中央の円 と 外側の円。

The Center


The middle of the altar channels the elements themselves, allowing you to manipulate all of your item drops.


By inserting different crafting materials, you can bias loot to match your preferred damage type.

さまざまなクラフト素材を挿入することで、好みのダメージ タイプに合わせて戦利品を偏らせることができます。

Looking for Bleed damage items? Use a Ch’thonic Seal of Binding. Interested in pet gear? Insert a Manticore Eye.

出血ダメージアイテムをお探しですか? クトーンの捕縛印 を使用してください。ペットのギアに興味がありますか? マンティコアの目 を挿入してください。

And yes, doing so will override any inherent loot biases items such as Monster Infrequents already have.


If you were looking for a niche prefix and suffix combination that did not match the inherent damage of a Monster Infrequent, this system will enable you to change the odds in your favor!


The Outer Circles


While the center manipulates your loot, the outer circles will aid you in acquiring it.


Each material inserted in the outer circle improves your odds of encountering the new Ascendant Mode mechanics, or in improving drop rates.

外側の円に挿入された各素材により、新しいアセンダント モードのメカニズムに遭遇する確率やドロップ率が向上します。

If you are a fan of Monster Totems, the new Bloodbound Totem crafting material will increase your chances of encountering Tempest Totems!

もしもあなたがモンスター トーテムのファンなら、新しいブラッドバウンド トーテムの製作材料を使用すると、大嵐のトーテムに遭遇する可能性が高まります!

Likewise, Celestial Essence will make it more likely that you draw out the vicious Dread. If you want to level up faster, you can spend Aether Crystals to increase experience gains.

同様に、天の精髄 を使えば凶悪な Dread を引きずり出しやすくなる。より早くレベルアップしたいのであれば、イーサー クリスタル を消費して経験値を増やすことができる。

Each mechanic is associated with a different crafting material, and you can combine them in any way you please.


But be aware: while the Ascension Altar will aid you in your endeavors, it will also empower your enemies. Every crafting material inserted into the altar will boost monsters differently.


This way, you are not only catering the gameplay to your desires, but also scaling the challenge to meet your skill level.

こうすることで、ゲームプレイを自分の希望に合わせて調整できるだけでなく、自分のスキル レベルに合わせてチャレンジを調整することもできます。

Now, you may find yourself saying: Crate, I am a single parent of six with three jobs, pickleball lessons, and also I volunteer at a cat shelter across town to which I walk through six feet of snow every day both ways.
I love Grim Dawn, but I simply do not have the time to play on a difficulty like Ascendant Mode!

私は Grim Dawn が大好きですが、アセンダント モードのような難易度でプレイする時間がありません!

We hear you, average human!


Thanks to the Ascension Altar being available on all difficulties, you will have the ability to enable any of the Ascendant mode’s mechanics even if you do not play in Ascendant Mode!

昇天の祭壇をすべての難易度で利用できるようになったおかげで、あなたはアセンダント モードでプレイしていなくても、アセンダント モードのメカニズムのいずれかを有効にすることができます!

This way, you are not missing out on any of the exciting new mechanics, but are not forced to play with them either if you do not want to.


As a not-so-small aside for modders: the Ascension Altar is incredibly modular and hooks into our Lua scripting system.

モッダー向けのちょっとした余談:昇天の祭壇 は驚くほどモジュール化されており、Lua スクリプト システムに組み込まれています。

The possibilities you can enable in your mods with the Ascension Altar are truly limited by your creativity.


You could seal entire parts of your worlds away, or spawn characters and monsters exclusively based on what materials are inserted, all while adjusting the difficulty accordingly.


Similarly, you can add new recipes to the altar using materials unique to your mod.


This system really elevates the massive Ascendant Mode feature set to another level and lets you play Grim Dawn your way, and we cannot wait to get it into your hands.

このシステムはまさしく、膨大なアセンダント モードの機能セットを別のレベルに引き上げ、Grim Dawn を自分のやり方でプレイできるようにします。皆さんの手に届くのが待ちきれません。

But, unfortunately, you will have to wait a bit longer.


At this time, we are certain that Grim Dawn: Fangs of Asterkarn will need to be pushed back to 2025.
We sincerely believe the wait will be worth it and, after today’s reveal, we hope you will agree!

現時点では、『Grim Dawn: アスターカーンの牙』は 2025 年に延期される必要があることは間違いありません。

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 08/19/2024 for the next Grim Misadventure!

次に Grim Dawn に何が来るかを知りたい? それについてはまた後日、2024年8月19日の次回 Grim Misadventure にて!

[GM #182] - Giant News

We have it on good authority that this Grim Misadventure is absolutely giant.

われわれが信頼できる情報筋によると、今回の 恐るべき災難 は絶対的に巨大である。

Last time we unveiled our overhaul of two-handed melee animations coming in v1.2.1, which is current in public playtest.


Well today we are pleased to announce that v1.2.1 will be going live for everyone next week, June 19th!


Our latest major update for Grim Dawn features the new two-handed animations, a completely overhauled Nemesis spawning system, rebalanced consumables, and of course many balance changes.


Final patch notes are forthcoming, but you can view last week’s build notes here.


As for Fangs of Asterkarn, it is not every day that we get to do a giant update, so one might say this is a big deal.


In fact, it’s huge. We are, of course, talking about Astekarn’s giants. What else were you expecting?!



These titans of the tundra roam the far reaches of Asterkarn, following the herds of megafauna which they hunt for food and tools.

このツンドラの巨人たちは、アスターカーンのはるか彼方を歩き回り、megafauna の群れを追って食料と道具を得るために狩りをする。

Though they speak a primitive tongue, relations between the Kurn and the giants had rarely been amicable.

彼らは原始的な言葉を話すが、Kurn 族と巨人の関係が友好的であったことはほとんどない。

If anything, a hungry undiscerning giant may simply opt to devour a puny human if they are within reach.


Giants are known to craft elaborate bone spears which they often coat with a poison they extract from hardy toxic plants in the mountain peaks.


This poison can bring down a full-grown mammoth. Should a human be unfortunate enough to have it penetrate their skin, the results can be grisly.


Of course, a single swipe from a giant’s spear would be more than enough to cleave a man in two, so concerns about poisons are largely secondary.





Legends say that when the great beast Beronath’s blood was spilled upon the Roof of the World, the giants were the first to rise from the stone.


Their skin is as the mountain which gave them life and their hearts beat with the spirit of Asterkarn.


Some of the mightiest ancient giants are so closely attuned with nature that they assume the form of the elements themselves.


Such sightings are rare, or perhaps all that have witnessed them never lived to tell the tale.


These living embodiments of the forces of natures no doubt carry weapons that resemble their bearer’s boundless fury.


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 07/15/2024 for the next Grim Misadventure!

次に Grim Dawn に何が来るかを知りたい? それについてはまた後日、2024年7月15日の次回 Grim Misadventure にて!

[GM #181] - Tip of the Spear


A Grim Misadventure has risen, as was foretold in the last Grim Misadventure. Last time, we unveiled some of the vast arsenal that awaits you in the Fangs of Asterkarn expansion.

前回の Grim Misadventure で予告されていた通り、恐るべき災難が発生。前回は拡張「アスターカーンの牙」で皆さんを待ち受ける膨大な兵器の一部を公開しました。

These formidable new weapons will surely lead you to victory against the encroaching corruption.


Today’s reveal has grander ramifications…


Anyone that has wielded a two-handed weapon in Grim Dawn knows that…it leaves something to be desired.
Back in the before times, when the Earth was young and primordial forces were still shaping the reality we know today, we operated under some very different limitations.

Grim Dawn で両手武器を使ったことがある人なら誰でも知っていると思いますが、これにはまだ物足りない点があります。

Much of this has changed over our 15-year history.

私たちの 15 年の歴史の中で、その多くは変わりました。

Thanks to your continued support, we are now positioned to not only deliver future titles with a larger team than ever before, but to reflect upon our past work and make…improvements.


So…those two-handed weapons. As you know, swinging a big sword in Grim Dawn looks exactly the same as swinging a big mace,

そう…両手武器です。 ご存知のとおり、Grim Dawn で大剣を振るうのは、大きなメイスを振るうのとまったく同じに見えて、

which looks the same as swinging a big axe…and let’s not even talk about the spears we had added over the years.


Swinging a spear with one universal animation set is a recipe for sadness, but it was a reality we had to accept…until today!


We are in the process of a complete overhaul of our two-handed melee animations.


You can look forward to distinct attack patterns for each weapon, and no weapon distinguishes itself more than a proper two-handed spear.


This is just a sample of what is coming:

(※ 上ふたつはサイズオーバーなのかページ内に表示できませんでした)



Needless to say, Fangs of Asterkarn will feature an array of new spears for you to enjoy with these animations, but you do not need to purchase the next expansion.


In fact, we are making this animation overhaul available to all versions of the game for free, coming soon with the v1.2.1 update, which is currently in public playtesting.

実際、私たちはこのアニメーションのオーバーホールをゲームのすべてのバージョンで無料で利用できるようにしているところで、現在パブリック プレイテスト中の v1.2.1 アップデートで間もなく公開されます。

If this is not a buff to two-handed playstyles, we do not know what is!


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 06/10/2024 for the next Grim Misadventure!

次に Grim Dawn に何が来るかを知りたい? それについてはまた後日、2024年6月10日の次回 Grim Misadventure にて!

P.S. We are working on another plushie with Makeship, be sure to cast your vote!

追伸 - われわれは Makeship でぬいぐるみをまた作っています、ぜひ投票してください!

[GM #180] - This Arsenal has Fangz 2024/04/01 (※April fool )


Welcome back to Grim Misadventures. First, a warning: due to a bank error in the forum code, you may be seeing duplicate development updates today.

Grim Misadventures へおかえりなさい。まず、警告です:フォーラムコードの決済エラーにより、本日は重複した開発アップデートが表示される可能性があります。

This one is absolutely the real one. Please disregard any other posts as they may provide false promises and set unrealistic expectations.


Now, last time, we unveiled some bad guys that really want your blood. Whatever, you did not read the lore notes anyway.


Go kill them for loot.


Since you always choose violence, the items below should help:


Please note that as the expansion is still under development, the following information is probably wrong. Who knows? We don’t!


The real reveal here is that we named an item Farmageddon.




It’s really tame.



Desaturated Crescent

Fangs of Asterkarn features some uniques, and probably a monster infrequent or two. We stopped counting twenty updates ago.


Some items were apparently asleep, but we will wake them up for you.


This sentence was written to pad the word count but as it turns out writing a sufficiently lengthy sentence without performing grammatical atrocities can actually be challenging to pull off when you are making this up as you go without the assistance of a thesaurus, chat-gtp, or any of the other versions of language learning models that are currently out on the internet, which would make life really hard for us but thankfully we are not teachers and nobody is grading this for being a run-on that is almost certainly deliberately missing some punctuation somewhere in the first third.

それらの助けを借りずに適当に作っていると、私たちの生活は本当に苦しくなるのだが、 しかし、ありがたいことに私たちは教師ではないし、

Enjoy the rest of April 1st!


[GM #180] - This Arsenal has Fangs 2024/04/01


Welcome back to Grim Misadventures. First, a warning: due to a quantum error in the forum code, you may be seeing duplicate development updates today.

Grim Misadventures へおかえりなさい。まず、警告です:フォーラムコードの量子エラーにより、本日は重複した開発アップデートが表示される可能性があります。

This one is definitely the real one. Please disregard any other posts as they may provide misleading information.


Now, last time, we unveiled the architects behind the corruption threatening the verdant lands of Asterkarn.


These heralds of the end times threaten to unleash a dark future upon Cairn if you do not put a stop to them.


And what better way to do it than with a new arsenal of equipment to unleash upon your foes!


Please note that as the expansion is still under development, the following information may change by release.
Damage values are scaled by player attributes.


The real reveal here is that we somehow have not used the word Armageddon for an item name yet.




If you are a fan of hand-crossbows, then the new assortment of weapons in Fangs of Asterkarn will be for you!



Sanguine Crescent

Fangs of Asterkarn features over 210 unique items and 90+ monster infrequents, and that is not even including the Epic items that will become Awakened.


To say that you will have many new options for delivering pain to Cairn’s monsters would be an understatement.




Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 05/06/2024 for the next Grim Misadventure!

次に Grim Dawn に何が来るかを知りたい? それについてはまた後日、2024年5月6日の次回 Grim Misadventure にて!

[GM #179] - Heralds of Blood 2024/02/27


Tread carefully, ye who come in search of misadventures, for even a glance upon what awaits within may drive you mad. Last time, you sought refuge within the reveal of the third Loyalist Pack.

misadventures を探索しに来た者よ、慎重に行動せよ。この中に待ち受けているものを一目見ただけで、気が狂ってしまうかもしれない。前回では、あなたは3番目のロイヤリスト・パック公開の中に避難を求めた。

You will be pleased to know that v1.2.0.4 will be releasing today to support this menagerie of decadent divinity, and the pack itself will become available for purchase on 02/27/24, on Steam and GOG.

この退廃的な神々の群れをサポートする v1.2.0.4 が本日リリースされ、パック自体がSteamとGOGで 2024/02/27に購入可能になる予定を知れば、きっと喜んでいただけるでしょう。

The cult of the XBOX may also be pleased to hear that dark rituals are being performed beyond the veil of development to ensure that you too can perform the three rites of loyalty at your leisure.


Now, you should cease your curiosity.


This is but your final warning, avert your eyes. Beyond these words is naught but shadow and the maddening glare of unraveling realities.



No? Still here? Very well, if you insist!


When we first spoke of the mighty Kurn, we briefly mentioned that you will be contending with the consequences of their bloody history.

最初に強大な Kurn の話をしたとき、その血塗られた歴史の結果と戦うことになると簡単に触れました。

The lore buffs among you may recall the devastating conflict that took place in the western reaches of the Erulan empire and culminated in the summoning of the Voice of Ch’thon, the Loghorrean!

伝承に詳しい方なら、ク'トーンの声 ログホリアンの召喚に至った、エルーラン帝国の西部で起こった壊滅的な紛争を思い出すかもしれない!

As you have learned, such evil can never truly be contained. Its tendrils seep into the land like a disease, warping it beyond recognition.


While what remains of the Erulans is embroiled in the grim dawn, or glorious dawn depending on your point of view, the Kurn are still reeling from that ancient war.

エルーランに生き残った人々が恐るべき夜明け、あるいは見方によっては輝かしい夜明けに巻き込まれている一方で、Kurn 族はまだ古代の戦争の余韻に浸っている。

Their land, and their people, are still paying the price for…recklessness? Or desperation? The myriad Kurn tribes are scattered, their people no longer united under a single chieftain.

彼らの土地は、そして人々は、その代償をまだ払っている...無謀さ?それとも自暴自棄?無数の Kurn 部族は散り散りになり、もはや一人の酋長の下で団結することはない。

Some have even turned completely away from the old gods, finding their prayers answered by a darker power.


This power now whispers of a dark reckoning. A choir of malevolent voices ravages mortal minds and leaves them begging for the release of death. But among the maddening cries there is one underlying truth: the void will not be denied.


These are the heralds of the beginning of the end times, a promise of boiling seas and crimson tides when he who dwells below creation reclaims his place among the stars.


But before they can usher in the dying god, blood must flow. And who better to let the rivers of the Asterkarn valleys run red than a sin from the past…


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 04/01/2024 for the next Grim Misadventure. We are certain it will be completely accurate and serious.

次に Grim Dawn に何が来るかを知りたい? それについてはまた後日、2024年4月1日の次回 Grim Misadventure にて。それは完全に正確かつ深刻なものであると確信しています。

[GM #178] - Loyalist the Third 2024/01/23


Grim Misadventures here with another peek behind the proverbial curtain. Last time , we introduced some of the unyielding denizens of the bitter Asterkarn cold.

Grim Misadventures から、またまた折り紙つきのカーテンの裏側を覗いてみよう。前回は、アスターカーンの厳寒に屈せぬ住人たちを紹介しました。

Today, we are going to get a little technical as we preview some of the exciting looks you will soon be able to add to your swank collection of illusions with the upcoming Loyalist Item Pack 3.

今日は少し専門的な話になるが、近日発売予定の「Loyalist Item Pack 3」で、あなたの洒落たイリュージョン・コレクションに加えられるようになる、エキサイティングな外見のいくつかをプレビューしよう。

We were not sure the third pack would ever see the light of day, but then again we did not think there would be a third expansion either back then. By extremely popular demand, what you are about to see is all your fault!


As was announced back in December , Loyalist Pack the Third features some divine good looks. In total, there will be five armor sets. The first of which is the visage of the Veilwarden, the Arkovian god Rattosh!

12月に発表されたように、「Loyalist Item Pack 3」には神々しいまでの美貌が備わっている。全部で5つのアーマーセットがある。はじめは、ベールの番人 アーコヴィアの神 ラトッシュの容貌だ!

Your reception to that preview told us that we are on the right track, which is why we then took that enthusiasm and doubled it for…the visage of Empyrion!


Yes, you too will be able to don the celestial look of the greatest among the gods and wield the spear of the heavens, a legendary weapon said to have struck down the Dying God!


With this armor, we tried some new things with texturing and, if you are looking closely, the first ever back visual. Yes, we took notes when modders were adding all those wings and thought we would give it a try.


And speaking of Ch’thon, one cannot make a collection of godly illusions and not pay tribute to the Dying God himself. This terrifying visage exemplifies the new tech we now have at our disposal for Fangs of Asterkarn items.

そして ク'トーン といえば、神々しいイリュージョンのコレクションを作るのに、瀕死の神そのものに敬意を払わないわけにはいかない。このおぞましい姿は、我々が今自由に使える Fangs of Asterkarn アイテムの新しい技術を象徴している。

A still image does not really do this armor justice though, so here is a short clip of it in action.


Perceptive eyes will catch two things at play here: no head and…no feet! This is thanks to our new tech that allows us to add mesh and animation overrides to items.


We can get pretty creative in terms of your character’s look by swapping out heads or, as you can see below, let you glide around the battlefield!


Modders will of course gain access to this flexible new system as well. We’re curious to see what you will come up with. :slight_smile:


The loyalists among you are probably wondering when you can get your hands on this sweet loot.


There are two more armor sets on the way which we will not spoil, but we are confident that the full collection will be well worth the asking price.


You can expect Loyalist Item Pack 3 to be available mid-February alongside v1.2.0.4, which will have a number of bug fixes and improvements.

「Loyalist Item Pack 3」は、2月中旬、 多くのバグ修正と改良が施される予定の v1.2.0.4 とともにリリースされる予定です。

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 02/26/2024 for the next Grim Misadventure.

次に Grim Dawn に何が来るかを知りたい? それについてはまた後日、2024年2月26日の次回 Grim Misadventure にて。

[GM #177] - Asterkarn Menagerie 2023/12/23


Welcome back to Grim Misadventures! 2024 is nearly upon us, so we thought it would make for a nice end of the year treat to give you a peek behind the proverbial curtain.

Grim Misadventures へおかえりなさい!2024年も間近に迫ってきたので、年末のご褒美として、折り紙つきのカーテンの裏側を覗いていただこうと考えました。

We are busily assembling another exciting expansion pack for you, teeming with new areas, items and monsters for you to explore, loot and slaughter, hopefully in that order.


As you can imagine, anything resilient enough to endure the bitter cold of Asterkarn’s peaks is not going to be a pushover. Let us take a look at a couple of these western denizens.


Tread carefully as you ascend the frozen glaciers, and keep an eye out to the skies, for the predator seeking to turn you into its next meal may not be in front of you, it may be far above.


The rocs, massive avian creatures with a wingspan that easily dwarfs a human, readily pick off stragglers in animal herds, or unwary travelers.

The rocs は、人間を軽く凌ぐ翼幅を持つ巨大な鳥類で、群れからはぐれた動物や不注意な旅行者を簡単に襲う。

These vicious birds come in two common varieties: frost and storm, elemental affinities they use to subdue their prey. Legends speak of a glorious roc for whom the very winds of Asterkarn change their course.

この凶暴な鳥には、彼らが獲物を制圧するために使う元素の親和性として、霜と嵐という2つの種類がある。伝説では、アスターカーンの風の進路を変えるという栄えある roc について語られている。

Woolly Rhino
No beast is more eponymous with the Asterkarn lands as the woolly rhino. These animals sport a thick coat of fur and even thicker skin to shield them from not only the elements but also deadly predators.

woolly rhino ほどアスターカーンの地を象徴する動物はいない。この動物は分厚い毛皮とさらに分厚い皮膚で覆われており、風雨だけでなく致命的な捕食者からも身を守っている。

That is, of course, not their only form of defense. You would be wise to not end up on the receiving end of one of their glorious horns.


But not even the mighty rhinos can resist the corruption that is spreading across Asterkarn, threatening the land and its people, and perhaps all of Cairn.


These mangy beasts suffer from a sinister illness that has left them permanently warped, but no less dangerous.


This is of course just the beginning as we dive deep into Fangs of Astekarn next year! You will learn all about the upcoming Berserker mastery, Ascendant Mode’s unique challenges, the Kurn people, and more!

これはもちろん、来年『アスターカーンの牙』を深く掘り下げるための始まりに過ぎない!みなさんは バーサーカー・マスタリー、アセンダント・モードのユニークなチャレンジ、Kurn 族などなどについて知る事になるでしょう!

Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 01/22/2024 for the next Grim Misadventure.

次に Grim Dawn に何が来るかを知りたい? それについてはまた後日、2024年1月22日の次回 Grim Misadventure にて。

[GM 号外] - Announcing Fangs of Asterkarn! 2023/08/29


Building upon the foundation of v1.2’s massive changes (now in public playtesting!), we are proud to announce that Grim Dawn will be receiving a third expansion: Fangs of Asterkarn!

特大規模の変更が行われるv1.2(現在公開テスト中!)を基礎とする、第3の拡張版「Fangs of Asterkarn」を発表出来ることを嬉しく思います!


In this latest massive installment of Grim Dawn, you will journey West into the rugged wilderness of Asterkarn and contend with the mighty Kurn. Discover the dark legacy that continues to haunt these nomadic people and again drives them East, towards renewed conflict.



[Expansion FAQ]


How much will the expansion cost?
Fangs of Asterkarn is another major addition to Grim Dawn and will be priced comparatively to past expansions.

Fangs of Asterkarnは新たに追加される主要コンテンツのひとつであり、価格は過去の拡張版と比較して決定されるだろう。

When is the expansion coming?
The expansion is expected to release in 2024, but you never know when we end up doing MOAR than initially promised.


Will there be new masteries?
Fangs of Asterkarn features a transformative 10th Mastery. Become a frenzied force of destruction upon the battlefield capable of shapeshifting into vicious beastlike forms. The new Berserker mastery brings the total number of mastery combinations to an astounding 45!


Will there be a new chapter of the story?
Fangs of Asterkarn is another huge addition to the world of Grim Dawn. You will trek across the glorious snowy peaks of Asterkarn, delve into frozen caverns, and explore ancient forest valleys and breathtaking hot springs as you seek to purge the corruption tainting this idyllic landscape. Parlay with the Kurn tribes and aid them in rekindling old alliances as you contend with the darker side of their bloody history.


Will there be an increased Level cap?
Fangs of Asterkarn does not increase the level cap. Your characters will gain additional power through quest rewards and potion customization.


Will there be an increased Devotion cap?
Fangs of Asterkarn is not increasing the devotion cap. One does not simply contend with the will of the gods!


What are some of the new features coming with the expansion?
Fangs of Asterkarn is touching upon nearly every aspect of the game to enrich your experience and give you ever more options when building your characters:

  • Conquer the Ascendant Game Mode - turn the campaign world into a challenge worthy of ascendant demigods, with every dungeon and boss encounter sure to test your limits.
    Conquer the Ascendant ゲームモード
  • Potion Customization - alter your potions to suit your playstyle. Turn them into powerful tonics that restore your character’s vitality, or have them provide powerful unique buffs and effects.
  • Affix Transmutation - reroll your rare and magic items to perfect your equipment.
  • Crucible Expanded - delve deeper into the Crucible’s challenges with thirty additional waves (requires the Crucible DLC).
    更に30ウェーブ追加され、坩堝の挑戦はより奥深くなる(Crucible DLC を要する)
  • The Shattered Realm Grows - discover new regions and boss arenas being slowly consumed within the Shattered Realm’s unstable infinity.
    シャッタード レルムの成長
    シャッタード レルムの不安定な無限の内で、ゆっくりと失われてゆく新しい領域とボスエリアを見つけるだろう。
  • Discover Hundreds of New Items - a veritable vault of treasures awaits you with hundreds of new Monster Infrequents, Epic items, and unique Legendary items!
  • Awaken Epic Items - unleash the true potential of many Epic items to turn them into powerful implements worthy of Legends!
  • Tackle New Foes - test your mettle against new super bosses and additional Nemesis bosses for old factions. Five new hero monster archetypes populate the entirety of Cairn alongside older additions.
  • Two New Rogue-Like Dungeons - two new roguelike dungeons will be introduced with free content updates for the Fangs of Asterkarn expansion.
    Fangs of Asterkarn所有者に向け、2つの新たなローグライクダンジョンが無料アップデートを通じて導入される。

[GM #176] - So the New Thing 2023/07/21



ARPG community’s a bit active of late, isn’t it? Many new faces are joining us, and some old ones are coming back from retirement. We’re happy to have you. Somehow it feels like Grim Dawn’s best years are still ahead of it!


There are rumors abound of a v1.2 coming…of MOAR? It’s all tantalizingly close, but we are not ready to go into full detail just yet. But…let us dust off the ol’ tome for a moment with a little misadventure to hold you over.



Grim Dawn version v1.2.0 is going to be entering the public playtest later this Summer with an expected release in the late Summer/early Fall. This update is, to put it mildly…a big one. We have gone through literally hundreds if not thousands of data entries to bring you quality of life improvements and breathe some fresh air into the game.


V1.2.0 will deliver upon our promise to implement some of the outdated Grim Internals utility.

v1.2.0では、更新停止してしまったGrim Internalsの機能の一部を取り込むという約束を果たします。

These are the features we are planning to implement:

  • Option to disable Day-Night Cycle
  • Option to disable Fog
  • Option to display Cooldown Counters on the quickbar
  • Auto-Pick Up Radius can now be increased
  • New visual alerts for Legendaries, Monster Infrequents, Double Rares, and Double Rare Monster Infrequents. In addition, Monster Infrequents will be marked by an icon to separate them from standard Rare items.
  • New options for monster health bars, including thicker visuals and option to display % values and active debuffs

In addition, we plan on improving certain boss runs in the future, though not in v1.2.0. This will come in the form of better shortcuts, but also making the boss runs themselves more lucrative and enjoyable. Teleporting directly to a boss room is basically a cheat, and while some players are content with cheating in this manner (it’s a game, have fun, you do you), we think it’s better to make things more fun in general.


One such change we are planning to make is with drop rates. Getting a good Monster Infrequent roll is already a lot of RNG. There is no need to also have your boss attempts cheat you out of a chance of getting that roll in the first place. As such, all Bosses will have a 100% chance to drop their (non-legendary) Monster Infrequents.


Which brings us to the other half of this update. In addition to the usual round of balancing and bug fixes, we are planning MOAR. Here is but a taste:

  • You will be able to play the entirety of the game up to the level cap on the difficulty that’s enjoyable to you. To support this, level scaling will be updated on Normal and Elite difficulty. Many areas on Normal will scale up to level 100. Elite difficulty will scale up to level 100 in all areas. Loot quality and experience gains will remain higher on higher difficulties, as before, but if playing up to level 100 on a more relaxed difficulty is for you, then we feel there is no reason to stop you. Have fun!
  • Toggled buff effects will be automatically toggled on and no longer need to be on the skill bar. Toggled skills with energy costs will have those costs removed. Anyone that has 2 exclusive skills learned on their character for some reason will want to pick one though, or the game will choose for you.
  • To top it off, you will be able to disable visuals for toggled buffs in the game options to improve visual clarity on your character and to show off all that gear.
  • The Nullification mechanic (ex. Arcane heroes) will be overhauled. It will purge all temporary buffs and Disable toggled buffs for 2 seconds. No more fumbling through your skill bars to turn auras back on.
    ナリフィケイションの仕組み(例:アルケイン ヒーロー)は完全に変更されます。
  • For the modders out there, the console will log lua errors in custom games. We are also looking into enable certain debug commands for you, such as the debug cursor for locating game coordinates.
  • Pets will default to an Aggressive stance rather than the Normal stance. This setting can still be toggled on a pet by pet basis as desired.
  • You will be able to select your desired Main Menu theme in the game options.
  • MOAR

As for what is beyond v1.2.0…now I am not saying there might be something more in the future…but maybe I am saying there is something more in the future…



Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Stay tuned for the next Grim Misadventure 😉

次に何が Grim Dawn にやってくるか知りたいですか? 次の Grim Misadventure にご期待下さい 😉