Grim Misadventure (#86~90)

Last-modified: 2017-07-14 (金) 23:28:02

(欠番: #88以前)

[GM #90] b31 Preview2 (2016/2/8)


Grim Misadventures is here. Last time we previewed some of the changes coming your way with Build 31, very likely to be the last big update before Grim Dawn’s release. Nearly every aspect of the game is being touched upon in some way and the changelog is vying for a new record in “Longest Changelog”. The Build itself has just entered preliminary testing as we work out bugs and continue to implement the necessary changes.

Grim Misadventure のお時間です。
前回、b31についての変更点をいくつか紹介しましたが、これはやはり Grim Dawn の開発中、最も大きなアップデートとなるでしょう。

We also mentioned that some areas of the world are going to see significant changes, and we showed you a couple views of the Burrwitch Outskirts and the Four Hills in Old Arkovia. Another area that is seeing major revisions is the Arkovian Ruins. We always felt that we could do more with this dungeon set, bring out more of what defines Arkovian society and really distinguish this area as more than just a set of crumbling walls. To that end, our artists have revisited these assets to create something that truly defines Arkovia before its devastating fall to the necromancer’s curse.


Today we would like to show you a few shots of how the changes are turning out:

Old Arkovia オールドアーコヴィア
Old Arkovia 1 Old Arkovia 2 Old Arkovia 3 Old Arkovia 4
Arkovian Undercity アーコヴィア地下都市
Arkovian Undercity 1 Arkovian Undercity 2

There is one more thing coming with Build 31 though that should raise a few eyebrows. I won’t go into specifics, but I will leave you with just one image.




Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 02/22/2016 for our regular development updates!


[GM #89] b31 Preview (2016/1/25)


Updated Environments 環境アップデート

There are some areas of the world that we’ve always meant to return to, but with the need to wrap up the content we never had a chance to. The first area on this list was the Burrwitch Outskirts, which is now a proper forest.


Burrwitch Outskirts 1 Burrwitch Outskirts 1

Some changes are also coming to parts of Arkovian Foothills and Old Arkovia, both to streamline certain parts of the progression and to bring out more of the remnants of Arkovian architecture.

いくつかの変更はアーコヴィア丘陵とオールド アーコヴィアに、それぞれ一定部分を効率化し、アーコヴィア建造物の遺物を追加します。

Old Arkovia

Updates to Loot and Loot Tables ドロップアップデート

This section could be a list in itself, we are taking a look at Rare Affixes, Magic Items, Epic Items, Drop Rates…

このセクションはレアAffix、マジック、エピック、ドロップ率 …等についての紹介です。

Rare Affix, Epic and Legendary drop rates are going up on Elite and Ultimate difficulty. We are also cutting down on the odds of getting single-affix items and greatly increasing the chance of rolling a double-affix item, at level 55+. The affixes rolled on Monster Infrequents will be significantly improved, with lower odds of getting a single affix. We are also taking a look at Rare Affixes and Monster Infrequents, making them more powerful with a focus on introducing more defensive stats, which are critical to surviving on Elite and Ultimate difficulty.

その分単体Affixの物と、高性能Affix付きの Lv55 以上のアイテムを出にくくします。

We also resolved an error in the Epic item loot tables which only became apparent at max level. This error greatly reduced the selection of Epic items which could appear at level 85, resulting in many duplicate drops. This issue is resolved in Build 31.

これは Lv85 でのエピックドロップテーブルが大幅に縮小し、結果同じようなアイテムしか出ないというものでした。

Reduced Chance of Getting Duplicate Blueprints 製造図の複製を撤廃!

The loot system will attempt to reroll a Blueprint drop if you already have it learned. The goal here was not to completely eliminate duplicates, but the odds should be greatly reduced.


Damage Over Time Effects can Critically Strike DoTダメージをクリティカル・ストライクに

With Build 31, you will be able to improve your damage over time effects with Offensive Ability, just as you would with instant damage. In addition, these effects will be able to trigger on Crit procs, such as from Devotion.


Mastery and Devotion Tuning マスタリ・祈祷の調整

We are taking another look at Masteries and Devotion to improve upon lackluster options and toning down those that are proving too strong. Almost every Constellation has seen changes.


Nemesis Tuning ネメシスの調整

Not all Nemesis bosses are created equal. A pass has been done to bring their challenge closer together. In Particular, Fabius will have his Pneumatic Burst significantly nerfed at higher levels/difficulties so the fight is not so drawn out, while also reducing the burst in attack speed and damage he gains from the buff. The Avatar of Mogdrogen will summon his minions with reduced frequency, and his defenses and damage at low health have been reduced.

ネメシスの強さは個体によって異なります。 より手軽に挑戦できるよう、調整を行いました。
特にファビウスは、高レベル帯での彼のニューマチック バーストを大幅にNerfし、バフによる攻撃速度・攻撃力を減らしました。

Optimization to the Pathfinding System 探検システムの最適化

While the main intent of this update was to improve general performance when dealing with larger battles, it also had the added benefit of improving the pathing for skills such as Blitz and Shadow Strike, which will allow you to push/pass through enemies to reach your intended target.

これによって例えばブリッツやシャドウ ストライクなどは、正確に標的を狙うことができるようになるでしょう。

Achievements are Unlocked 実績システムの解禁

You will finally be able to earn all those achievements everybody’s been datamining for months. These will be viewed through an in-game UI and can be earned whether you play through Steam or through the standalone release copy.



Some of the Achievements will be retroactive, but not all.


New Tutorial System 新しいチュートリアル

The old Tutorial UI has been ripped out in favor of tutorial tips that will appear near the relevant element of the game. Detailed info will be stored in the Codex Window (Quest/Lore Log).


And More… そしてさらに…

More, there is always more. Another big Changelog is coming your way!


The full release build is currently on track for February.


Like knowing what is coming up next for Grim Dawn? Check back on 02/08/2016 for our regular development updates!
