ブキチの説明 (和英)

Last-modified: 2024-04-11 (木) 18:13:07


バトルのブキなら なんでもそろう
カンブリアームズに ようこそでし!

ブキは  ZR で使うメインウェポン
 R サブウェポン、そして
スペシャルウェポンから 成り立つでし!

お店のブキは いつでも
Ⓨで 試しうちできるので、
気軽に 試してくれたらいいでし
Hello, hello! Let me guess—you're
looking for some new weapons?
You've come to the right place!

Our weapons come in sets—
a main weapon on  ZR ,
a sub weapon on  R ,
and, yes, a special weapon!

Sound complicated? Don't fret!
You can always press Ⓨ to try
out my products before buying.
バトルのブキなら なんでもそろう
カンブリアームズに ようこそでし!

…ってキミ! そんなブキじゃ
新しいブキを かわいがって
Hello, hello! Let me guess—you're
looking for some new weapons?
You've come to the right place!

Hold the phone... What is THAT?!
I didn't know you were a collector of
vintage weapons! I must say—it's
fascinating, but you'll need something
far fresher for the Splatlands.


メインウェポンの ボールドマーカー
射出口のパイを大きくすることで 飛距離を
ぎせいにし、近接戦に 特化したものでし

インファイトなら こわいものなし!
さらに、離れた相手のふところに カーリングボム
飛びこむ 技ありな一面も かね備えるでし!

ウルトラハンコでの正面突破も 強力でしから
仲間の進路を 切り開くのが得意な
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし
With its wide muzzle, the
Sploosh-o-matic is well suited
for close-combat situations.

And escorting you to those close-
combat situations is the Curling
! Let one loose, and it'll lay
down a proverbial red carpet to
your foes' feet.

Combined with the Ultra Stamp's
forward rush, you have one powerful
setup for players who love getting up
close and personal—or who want to
blaze a path forward for their allies.
メインウェポンの ボールドマーカーネオ
ボールドマーカーに 純正エンブレムが
ほどこされた モデルでし!

ぶっちゃけ中身は いっしょなので、得意の
近接戦で相手のナワバリに ぐいぐい攻めこみ、
ジャンプビーコンで 仲間を呼び集めるでし!

かくれた相手や 遠くの相手は
メガホンレーザー5.1chで あぶり出し、

Like the Sploosh-o-matic? Maybe
you'll LOVE the Neo Sploosh-o-matic!

That's because you get all the same
attributes of the Sploosh-o-matic
with a new original emblem. Plus a
loadout that mixes things up!

For example, now you can set a jump
point for your teammates with the
Squid Beakon. It's like a concierge
service for carnage!

And if you use the Killer Wail 5.1 to
reveal hidden or distant opponents,
you'll know just where to place that
Squid Beakon.

Teamwork makes the dream work, so
if you fancy yourself a team player,
give this set a try!
メインの もみじシューターわかばシューター
ちがう味付けをした モデルでし!

味方に有利な戦場を 作り出せるでし!

塗りと探知力で 仲間をサポートしながら戦う、
チーム力を重視する 使い手に
The Custom Splattershot Jr. offers
the same functions as the
Splattershot Jr., but with a twist!

Paired with the Torpedo sub weapon
and Wave Breaker special, this
loadout allows you to seek out and
exploit your opponents' positions
to maximize your team's advantage!

I recommend this set for players
who know there's no "I" in "team,"
no "L" in "victory," and who are
just generally good at spelling overall.
メインウェポンの シャープマーカーは、職人さんの
手作業による チリ合わせと バラスト調整で
とっても高い精度を得た シューターでし!

弾のバラつきを おさえた結果
攻撃力は少し ひかえめでしが、
連射の速さで補っているから 問題ないでし!

サブクイックボムも 組み合わせつつ
相手の足場を ガッチリ塗り固めたら、あとは
圧倒的な精度の連射で ハチの巣にしてやるでし!

スペシャルカニタンクで 制圧力の高さは
ワガママな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
For your main weapon, I present the
Splash-o-matic, a weapon fine-tuned
for highly accurate barrages!

It may not have the ink spread or
raw power of some weapons, but
it more than makes up for it with
rapid fire that is quite rapid indeed.

Plus, when you can pin down an
enemy with Burst Bombs, you don't
need as much power. Simply splatter
them at your leisure while they're
mired in your ink.

And with the Crab Tank special in
your back pocket, nothing can
stand in your way! Try not to laugh
maniacally as you overpower the
other team time and again.
メインの シャープマーカーネオは、
シャープマーカーに 純正エンブレムが
ほどこされた マイナーチェンジモデルでし

サブキューバンボムで 相手をけん制して

さらに スペシャルトリプルトルネード
相手を 混乱のウズに 巻きこんでやるでし!

あとはメインで仕留めるだけ! 追いこむのが
好きな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
If you're a Splash-o-matic fan, you
owe it to yourself to try out the
Neo Splash-o-matic. Neo means
new, and Splash-o-matic means

That's my way of explaining that
the Neo Splash-o-matic has the
same characteristics as the
Splash-o-matic but with a new
design and a new sub and special.

If I can stop saying Splash-o-matic
for two seconds, I can tell you what
they are. Whew! Did it. This loadout
comes with Suction Bombs, a classic
go-to, if you ask me.

And for the special? Nothing less
than the Triple Inkstrike, which
strikes three times the fear into
your opponents' hearts.

Use this sub and special well, and
there will be nothing left to do but
pick off your enemies one by one
with the Neo Splash-o-matic. No!
I said it again!
メインウェポンの プロモデラーMG
飛距離と精度は それなりでしが、
連射速度は すさまじく速いでし!

手早くナワバリを確保して 仲間をサポートでし!

一見 塗りばかりで大人しそうなブキでしが、
サメライドの突撃で 不意打ちをしかける
勇ましい面も 持ち合わせているでし!

The range and accuracy of the
Aerospray MG aren't anything to write
home about, but break out a pen and
some stationery for its rate of fire!

And when you pair a nimble weapon
like that with Fizzy Bombs, it makes
movement a breeze. You can quickly
lock down plenty of turf to help
support your teammates.

Of course, inking turf is the name
of the game, but sometimes you
need a little extra OOMPH, and that's
where the Reefslider special comes
in. Ride it to glorious victory!

This setup is ideal for players who
like to mix it up—tactically pushing
the front line and waiting for the
right moment to go big.
メインウェポンの プロモデラーRGは、
プロモデラーMGを メッキしたものなので
性能としては 同じでし!

メインの すさまじい連射性能に

Love the Aerospray MG but wish it
came with a different sub and
special? Well, today is your lucky
day! The Aerospray RG set was made
just for you!

It's the same great Aerospray that
lets you spray it—not say it—but
the addition of the Sprinkler sub
gives you absurd coverage.

And when you need something with
more mustard to make a strategic
push, Booyah Bombs always live up
to their name. I recommend this set
for those who ink outside the box!
メインウェポンの スプラシューターは、

バランスの良いメインと キューバンボム
組み合わせは 安定感バツグンで、

さらに スペシャルウルトラショット
相手のナワバリを突破したり 要所を守ったりも

バトルの基本が学べる このブキを
キミも 一人前でし!
The Splattershot is beloved for its
ease of handling and high potential.
This is the latest model of the
go-to weapon!

Paired with Suction Bombs, you have
a wonderfully stable loadout that
allows you to respond to whatever
the enemy throws at you.

And let's not forget the Trizooka
special. Let one off the leash at
the right moment, and I guarantee
your opponent won't forget!

Is this setup a little basic? Yes!
Basically one of the best setups you
can have! Master the fundamentals,
and you'll become a force to be
reckoned with.
メインウェポンの スプラシューターコラボ
スプラシューターが コラボしたモデルでし!

相手にも 攻撃しやすくなったでし!

上げるでし! 盛り上げ上手な使い手に
ぜひ かわいがって欲しいでし!
As if the original Splattershot wasn't
stylish enough, a special collab gives
us the Tentatek Splattershot!

Functionally, the weapon is identical
to a regular Splattershot. But its
fashion-forward form comes with
Splat Bombs and the feared Triple

It's always in style to mix things up,
so I recommend this loadout for
Splattershot users who dare to be
different. Talk about très dangereux!
メインウェポンの .52ガロンは、
一度に大量のインクを 撃てるように
大きなノズル径をそなえた シューターでし

守りを固めて戦うことが 大事になるでし!

メガホンレーザー5.1chで ロックオン!
レーザーで追いつめたところを 仕留めるでし!

守りの姿勢を 大切にしつつも
時には ダイタンな一撃を お見舞いしたい
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The .52 Gal is a heavy hitter with
an extra-large nozzle for shooting
massive amounts of ink.

Of course, all that power comes at
the expense of fire rate...which is
why you'll want the Splash Wall to
hide behind while reloading.

And if the other team is playing it
a little too safe, you've always got
the Killer Wail 5.1. Lock on and blast
'em with lasers!

So if you're the type to hang back
and wait for just the right moment,
this loadout is for you.
メインウェポンの .52ガロンデコ
.52ガロンをベースに デコ職人さんが
デコレーションをほどこした シューターでし!



命知らずな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The .52 Gal Deco is a standard
.52 Gal with a little extra flair
added by pro designers!

Same high attack power and low fire
rate as the base model. If you're
going to take this baby into a fight,
I suggest ending it quick.

They zhuzhed it up a bit with a
Curling Bomb to get you from point A
to point B and a Splattercolor Screen
to send foes scattering. It's a two-
step recipe for ambushes!

I recommend this weapon to fearless
players who want to run rampant and
sow discord on the front lines of a
chaotic battlefield!
メインウェポンの N-ZAP85
混合気比率を 極限まで高めたインクを撃つ、
連射に優れた シューターでし!

攻撃力は低めでも 連射と塗り性能はバツグン!
じわりじわりと 相手を追いこむでし!

追いこんだ相手を キューバンボムで あぶり出し、
仲間を エナジースタンドで元気づけて

これぞ 塗りとチームワークのコラボレーション!
The N-ZAP '85 is a shooter with
excellent ink efficiency and
rapid-fire capability!

And, um...its power is certainly...
adequate. Sorry—I hate to say
anything negative, but this weapon
doesn't pack the biggest punch.

But that's OK! It's fast enough to
send your enemies scrambling...and
that's when you hit 'em with the
Suction Bombs.

Fire up the Tacticooler to energize
your squad for a big push, and you've
got a nimble loadout that's built for
teamwork. It's what makes the
dream work!
メインウェポンの N-ZAP89は、
N-ZAP85の カラーリングを変えた
同じ性能の 後期モデルでし!



Is the N-ZAP '89 faster, better, or
more powerful than the N-ZAP '85?
No, but it comes in a new color!

And this one comes with Autobombs
to help you secure the area before
launching an offensive. Sniff out
enemies, and point your team in
the right direction!

Now, if your opponents think they're
clever and keep camping near your
Super Jump spots, this set allows
you to hit 'em with the Super Chump!

It'll fire decoys that look like Super
Jump landing spots...but are in fact
ticking ink bombs that will explode
within a few seconds.

Try this set if you want to be the
one playing chess while your enemies
play checkers!
メインウェポンの プライムシューター
上級者用に開発した モデルでし!

サブラインマーカーで 相手の位置を探りながら
片っぱしから 仕留めていくでし!

連射やインク効率は イマイチでしが、
そこは スペシャルカニタンクを組み合わせた
スキのない立ち回りで カバーでし!

目指したい使い手に ピッタリの一品でしから
ぜひぜひ かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Splattershot Pro was developed
for more advanced users by the
same team that brought you the

And here's a "pro" strategy for using
it—deploy the Angle Shooter to limit
your opponent's movement, then take
advantage of the Pro's accuracy and
range to splat 'em from downtown.

Of course, sometimes you just want
to crush your enemies with a
crustacean, and that's where the
Crab Tank comes in.

Putting it all together is easier said
than done, but this setup is built
for players who dare to dream.
メインの プライムシューターコラボは、
プライムシューターと コラボしたものでし!

中身は プライムシューターと同じでしが、
サブキューバンボムで 相手をあぶり出して

ところに投げるとお得でし! 逃れた相手は

テクニックを みがかないと
心して 使って欲しいでし!
If the Splattershot Pro is for pro
Splattershot users, I guess the
Forge Splattershot Pro is for pro
Splattershot users who also rock
Forge-brand gear!

It's a mouthful, but when this set is
firing on all cylinders, it does the
talking for you.

The main weapon is functionally
identical to the base Splattershot
Pro, but a Suction Bomb a day keeps
the enemies away! Or, well, as many
Suction Bombs as you can muster.

And while the Booyah Bomb special
might feel like too many bombs, when
you get a chance to drop one, you'll
realize that there's no such thing
as too many bombs!

This set isn't necessarily balanced
for a beginner, but if you can handle
it, few opponents will be able to
handle YOU!
メインウェポンの .96ガロンは、大型タンクと
かつ 長距離射程を ほこるシューターでし!

その分 連射性能は心もとないでしから、
サブスプリンクラーで ナワバリを確保しつつ
一発一発 確実に当てていくでし!

仲間のピンチは キューインキでサポート!
チームメンバーと 力を合わせて戦う
戦術派な人に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The .96 Gal is a shooter that hits
hard and has a long range, courtesy
of its large chamber and extended

This thing would be an absolute
cheat code if it fired just a little
faster...but you can't have your
crab cake and eat it too. You have
to make each shot count!

Still, you can set up a Sprinkler to
help secure your turf...and the
Ink Vac special doesn't suck. I mean,
it DOES, but...you know what I mean!
メインウェポンの .96ガロンデコ
.96ガロンをベースに デコ職人さんが
デコレーションした シューターでし!

はなれたところから ねらい撃つでし

テッペキの守りで 相手を寄せ付けたくない
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The .96 Gal Deco is a decorated
version of the .96 Gal. It's still short
of a full 1.00 Gal, but that's OK,
because now you have the Splash
as a sub weapon!

That'll help you keep a safe distance
while you blast away with your main

Now, if anyone breaks through, all is
not lost. That's when you call on the
Kraken Royale to transform yourself
into a giant squid or octopus!

They say that the best offense is
a good defense, and I say that's
fundamentally impossible, but this
set WILL give you the tools to play
D with the best of 'em.
メインウェポンの ジェットスイーパー
飛距離を得た シューターでし!

メインの攻撃力は 少しひかえめでしが、
サブラインマーカーで 相手の位置を探れば
飛距離をイカして 一方的に攻撃できるでし!

キューインキがあれば 飛んできたボムもこわくない!
遠距離から たくみに相手を追いこむ
クールな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Jet Squelcher has boosted pump
pressure to give it a range that
rivals charger weapons!

Like other weapons with extreme
range, it doesn't offer much in the
way of power. But when combined
with the Angle Shooter sub, your
enemies won't know what hit 'em.
Because you'll be SO far away!
Add the Ink Vac to the mix to suck
up incoming offensives, and you have
a loadout that's perfect for cool,
calculating players who play it safe.
メインの ジェットスイーパーカスタム
ジェットスイーパーを 純正パーツで、
見た目だけ カスタムしたものでし!

そこは サブポイズンミストでカバー!

さらに スペシャルアメフラシを投げれば
勝手に塗りを広げながら 相手をあぶり出せる

The Custom Jet Squelcher is no off-
the-rack Jet Squelcher. It's custom!
But it's still made with high-quality
official parts.

And this set now comes with the
Toxic Mist sub, which helps make up
for the main weapon's lower fire rate
and firepower by bogging down your
enemies in, well, toxic mist.

Meanwhile, toss the Ink Storm
special out there when you can, and
it'll be like splatting fish in a barrel
for your teammates.

Master this set, and it'll be a one-
sided battle, with you on the
winning side!

長射程をイカして 前線の仲間をサポートする


ここぞの一撃をお見舞い! 美味しいとこ取りが
好きな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
There are a lot of cool weapons in
the Splattershot family, but the
Splattershot Nova is a unique combo
of range and firing rate in one
awesome package!

Granted, the weapon isn't going to
win "Most Powerful" at the splat
pageant, but it's great at supporting
your front-line allies from a distance.

Plus, when paired with the Point
, you can telegraph opponent
moves to your team—and mop up
any survivors with the Killer Wail 5.1

If you like to save the tastiest-
looking bite of food for last, give
this loadout a try! And stop doing
that—it'll taste better at the start
of the meal.
メインウェポンの スペースシューターコラボ
スペースシューターが コラボしたモデルでし!


引っかかった相手は 仲間に任せるもよし

使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Annaki Splattershot Nova is a
fun collab with the fashion brand
Annaki that also gives users a
new loadout to experiment with.

While you spray the landscape with
that great Splattershot coverage,
you can also set traps for enemies
using the Ink Mine sub.

Watch 'em flounder while teammates
take 'em out, or fire up the Inkjet
special and take care of business
yourself from above. There's no
wrong answer!

This set is designed to help you
protect key areas on the battlefield,
so it's perfect for masterminds who
hope to execute on a fastidiously
planned battle strategy.
メインウェポンの L3リールガンは、
1トリガーで 3つの弾を連続発射する
3点バーストタイプの シューターでし!

 ZR 押しっぱなしでは 連射できないでしから、
カーリングボムで 相手の動きをコントロールして
タイミングよく ねらい撃つでし!

囲まれてしまったときは カニタンク

あつかいやすい ブキでしから、
3点バーストが初めての人にも イチオシでし!
Why fire once when you can fire
three times? That's the question
that the L-3 Nozzlenose answers.
One pull of the trigger launches
three rapid shots.

Now, don't get me wrong. This isn't
a full-auto weapon. Holding down  ZR 
is like pressing the "close door"
button in an elevator—it does
absolutely nothing!

So you'll want to time your triple
shots perfectly...and wait for the
right moment to toss a Curling Bomb.
Or, if a triple shot won't do the trick,
there's always the Crab Tank!

So who's this set for? Just about
anyone! It's so balanced that both
the freshest noobs and the crustiest
veterans can find a use for it.
メインウェポンの L3リールガンD
L3リールガンに メーカーのエンブレムが
あしらわれた 特別モデルでし!

サブクイックボムとは相性バツグン! サブ
ダメージをあたえて メインで仕留めてよし、


あなどれないでし! 少しクセのあるブキでしが、
ぜひ かわいがってみて欲しいでし
The L-3 Nozzlenose D is a special
model of the L-3 Nozzlenose with
the maker's logo emblazoned on it!

But you know that's not all...it also
has a fancy-schmancy new loadout!
Including Burst Bombs to weaken foes
a bit before finishing 'em off with
your main weapon.

And the special? None other than
the Ultra Stamp, guaranteed to
send anyone in your path running
for cover.

Don't underestimate the amount of
ink you can fling with this setup, but
it is a quirky combo. If you feel like
making a big mess and experimenting,
I hope you'll give it a try!
メインウェポンの H3リールガンは、
L3リールガンより 攻撃力が高い
3点バーストタイプの シューターでし!

連射力は少し ひかえめでしが、
ポイントセンサーで 相手の位置を見つけだして
一気に相手を しずめれば問題ないでし!

相手の探知だけでなく エナジースタンドでも
カツヤクしたい人に かわいがって欲しいでし!
If you like the L-3 Nozzlenose but
find it a bit lacking in power...
enter the H-3 Nozzlenose!

The "H" probably stands for "heavy,"
but I like to think it stands for
"HAHAHAHA," which is the noise one
typically makes while firing it.

Now, the fire rate suffers a bit
compared to lighter weapons, but
when you can pinpoint your enemies
with a Point Sensor, you can make
each shot count.

And with a team all juiced up on
energy from your Tacticooler, you're
ready to laugh all the way to the
winner's circle.
メインウェポンの H3リールガンD
あしらわれた 特別モデルでし!

サブスプラッシュシールドで ひかえめな

さらに、スペシャルグレートバリアで 守りは
カンペキ! メインの攻撃性能を存分にイカせる
構成でしから、ぜひ かわいがって欲しいでし!
The H-3 Nozzlenose D is a custom
H-3 Nozzlenose emblazoned with the
manufacturer's emblem.

And while the weapon's performance
is unchanged, it now comes with the
Splash Wall sub weapon to help cover
for the main weapon's low fire rate.

Add in the Big Bubbler special for an
extra dose of protection, and you've
got a loadout that really maximizes
what you can do with the main.
Give it a try!
メインウェポンの ボトルガイザーは、
1トリガーで 強力な弾を1発だけ発射する
特殊な機構の シューターでし!

 ZR を押しっぱなしにすると 性能が変化して、
自分の周りを 素早く塗り固められる

攻撃力と射程に優れた  ZR 連打と
塗りに強い  ZR 押しっぱなしを

スプラッシュシールドで 守りを固めつつ、
ウルトラショットで 遠くの相手にもアプローチ!

状況に応じた カレイな立ち回りで目立ちたい
The Squeezer is a great choice for
players who want flexibility. Pull the
trigger once, and you get a single
high-powered shot.

But holding down  ZR  changes
! Suddenly the rate of
fire goes up, and the Squeezer
transforms into an absolute
turf-inking machine.

Master both modes, and you'll barely
even need the Splash Wall to shore
up your defenses. But it's there for
you anyway!

And with a Trizooka to tame far-off
enemies, this set is built for flashy
fighters who are comfortable being
the center of attention.
メインウェポンの ボトルガイザーフォイル
ボトルガイザーに メーカーのエンブレムが

確実に仕留めるでし! 相手が出てこなかったら


Like the Squeezer? You'll probably
also like the Foil Squeezer! It offers
the same capabilities with a new
look and a new loadout.

First, try deploying the Autobomb sub
to sniff out hidden enemies. If the
coast is clear, it's time to hold down
the trigger and ink a ton of turf
with your main.

And with the Splattercolor Screen
special, you can force enemies into
more favorable positions to unleash
the Foil Squeezer's powerful single-
shot mode. KA-SPLOOSH!

This loadout is designed to help you
use both the sniping and turf-inking
capabilities of your Foil Squeezer
optimally, so I hope you'll give it
a try!


メインウェポンの カーボンローラーは、
軽くて強い CFRP素材を多用して
振りやすさと軽さを実現した ローラーでし!

一度に飛ばせる インク量が少ないので、
ロボットボムで 相手の位置を見つけてから
機動力をイカして 裏へ回りこむでし!

一気に距離をつめて 後ろからバシャッ!
ニンジャのような使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし
The Carbon Roller is a lightweight
roller built using low-density parts
for increased handling!

Of course, lightweight leads to
light inking capability, but if you
can find an opponent with an
Autobomb and then sneak behind
them, it'll get the job done.

Rounding out this zippy little loadout
is the Zipcaster, which can also help
you surprise and undelight your
opponents. Basically, if you want to
be a ninja, try out this set!
メインウェポンの カーボンローラーデコ
デコレーションをほどこした ローラーでし!

サブクイックボムで 塗り能力が さらに
向上したでし! ボムで地面を大きく塗れば、
素早く相手に つめ寄れるでし!


戦場を塗りまくり、荒らしまくって 相手を
追いつめる! ワイルドなバトルを好む使い手に
Feel like the Carbon Roller could use
a little more zazz? Then the Carbon
Roller Deco
might be for you, friend!

With a look created by top designers,
this special roller comes with Burst
to take your inking abilities
to a whole new level.

You'll cover so much turf that your
opponents will find it hard to move—
and then you can hit 'em with the
Trizooka from way downtown.

It really is that simple with this set.
If you like sticking with a tried-and-
true strategy—ink first and ask
questions never—then give it a try!
メインウェポンの スプラローラー
塗りながら 接近戦もできるタイプでし

 ZR を押して インクを放って攻撃!
押し続けながら 移動すれば
すみずみまで ユカを塗れるでし!

サブカーリングボムで 一気に距離をつめ、
相手のスキをついて ローラーでバシャッ!
キレイに決まれば 気分ソウカイでし~

スペシャルグレートバリアを 前線に展開し、
仲間を呼んで 一気に攻めるでし!

ローラーで 近距離戦のエキスパートを目指すなら
まずこのブキを かわいがるといいでし!
The Splat Roller represents the
roller class of weapons that excel
at close combat and inking turf.

With any roller, you can tap  ZR 
to fling ink, or hold  ZR  down as
you run to lay down a path of
inky goodness.

Try using your Curling Bombs to
sneak up close to an enemy, and
then...PLOOSH! Get 'em with the
roller. It's oh so satisfying.

As an added strategic wrinkle, you
have the Big Bubbler to rally your
team to the front line at just the
right moment.

If you're new to rollers, I can't
recommend this loadout enough.
Who knows? Maybe you'll become
a roller for life!
メインウェポンの スプラローラーコラボ
スプラローラーと コラボしたモデルでし!


道を はばまれたら、テイオウイカ! もう誰にも
止められないでし! とにかく進むのが大好きな
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Krak-On Splat Roller is the
product of a collaboration with
the popular Krak-On gear brand!

And you know what's useful when
you're wielding a roller? Dropping a
Squid Beakon to call your teammates!
Invite them to land on the luxurious
carpet of ink you've laid down.

Can't find a way past the enemy's
defenses? That's when it's time
to deploy the Kraken Royale and
bulldoze your way in as a giant
octopus or squid!

If you love nothing more than
blanketing the map with your color
of ink, this set may be for you!
メインウェポンの ダイナモローラーは、
長い射程を持った ボク特製のローラーでし!

発電機の分 重くなったので
機動力は低いでしが、その代わり ひと振りで
大量のインクを 遠くまで飛ばせるでし!

サブスプリンクラーで 塗り広げつつ、
重量級のイアツ感で 仲間と共に

エナジースタンドで 仲間のフォローもできるので
相手を圧倒しつつも チームを思いやれる
気配り上手な人に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Dynamo Roller is a roller I
designed myself using a power
generator for high strength and
long range!

Now, I wasn't able to reduce the
weight on the motor as much as I
would have liked, but this thing
can REALLY spill some ink, if I do
say so myself.

Pair it with the Sprinkler sub, and
you can push forward to apply max
pressure to the other team.

And what will your team be doing,
you ask? Why, relaxing and enjoying
sweet, sugary sips from your
Tacticooler, of course. You'll be the
most popular teammate around!
メインウェポンの ダイナモローラーテスラ
ダイナモローラーと 同じ攻撃力をほこる
ボク オリジナルのローラーでし!


スプラッシュボムデコイチラシを うまく使って
相手の注意をそらし、スキをついて たおすでし!
反撃のチャンスを あたえちゃダメでしよ!

でしから、たぶん防御もバッチリでし! ボクの
自信作でしから、ぜひ 使ってほしいでし!
The Gold Dynamo Roller is another
roller that I'm proud to say I designed
myself! It's based on the standard
Dynamo Roller and has the same
basic capabilities.

Yes, with these rollers, I had to
sacrifice a bit of mobility to give
them best-in-class firepower and
range. But I haven't heard any
complaints so far!

With this loadout, you'll use the
Splat Bombs and Super Chump to
distract your opponents while you
look for an opening. Hit 'em hard,
and don't let 'em splat you back!

The best defense is a good offense,
and offense doesn't get any better
than this. So, weirdly, it's also the
best defense! I hope you'll give
this set a try.
メインウェポンの ヴァリアブルローラー
ヨコ振りとタテ振りで 形状が変化する
面白い設計の ローラーでし!

自動遠心式クラッチによる スムーズな変形で、
ヨコ振りは 軽量ローラーで素早くバシャッ!
タテ振りは 遠くまでインクを飛ばせるでし!


機動力をイカして トラップを設置すれば
相手の位置を いち早く察知して

頭脳派な使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Flingza Roller is a wild one.
Its shape changes depending on
whether you swing it vertically
or horizontally!

I won't get too technical, but the
automatic centrifugal clutch allows
for light horizontal swings that go
FLOOSH and heavier vertical swings
that are more like GLOMP!

The bottom line is that you can
control the action. Use the vertical
swing to lay down a path, then take
down nearby opponents with the quick
strike of a horizontal swing.

While you're zipping around, you can
also lay down Ink Mines to help sniff
out opponents and fire off some
Tenta Missiles for a one-two punch.

If you're up to the challenge of
simply dominating a match, then
you should give this set a try!
メインの ヴァリアブルローラーフォイル
ヴァリアブルローラーに、 メーカーのエンブレムを
ほどこした モデルでし!


ボムか迷ってるうちに やられてくれるかもでし

でしから、うまく かわいがり分けて欲しいでし!
Here comes the Foil Flingza Roller!
It brings the features of the
Flingza Roller but adds a slick brand
logo so you know it's official.

Flush out foes with the Suction Bomb
sub, then put the vertical swing's
long range to use finishing them off.
If they run toward you, use the
horizontal swing for a quick splat!

Or! Wait for the Splattercolor Screen
to do its work, and THEN toss out a
Suction Bomb in the confusion.
They'll get taken out before they
even realize which team threw it!

This weapon offers a lot of game
plans, from the range and coverage
of the vertical swing to the quick
and decisive horizontal swings. Find
the method that works for you!

ワイドの名にいつわりなし! コロコロ部分が



ちょっとの塗り残しも許せない キレイ好きな
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
You ever think to yourself..."This
roller is great, but what if it were
WIDER?" If so, the Big Swig Roller
may be just what you wanted!

They've taken a regular roller and
just...made the roller part bigger!
The result is that you can lay down
a veritable red carpet—or green, or
pink, or...you get it—of ink.

Horizontal swings also hit a wider
range, and vertical swings launch
farther. The drawback is that attack
power is lower than other rollers.

That may not be an issue when
you're hiding behind a Splash Wall, or
when you can guzzle enemy ink with
the Ink Vac special, so the set is
actually pretty well-balanced.

If you can't stand to see even a
single spot of un-inked turf, give
this set a try!
メインウェポンの ワイドローラーコラボ
自販機メーカーが ワイドローラー

サブラインマーカーは 相手をマークする
だけでなく、直撃させて メインの ひかえめな
攻撃力を おぎなう使い方もできるでし

スペシャルアメフラシを使えば 相手を
あぶり出しつつ ダメージをあたえるので、
メインのバシャバシャでトドメ! ってできるでしよ~

さらにワイドなったでし! 広く深い ローラー道に
ぜひ 塗りこんでみて欲しいでし!
The Big Swig Roller Express is an
exciting collaboration between the
makers of the Big Swig Roller and
a vending-machine maker!

In addition to the new design, it now
comes with the Angle Shooter sub,
making it easy to tag enemies and
take a sip of their health bar while
you're at it.

Plus, you can fire up the Ink Storm
special to drive the other team into
the open, and then finish them off
with the roller.

Talk about convenient! I guess
that's the vending-machine influence
paying off.


メインウェポンの スクイックリンαは、
チャージャー特有の 飛距離を ぎせいにして
チャージ時間を 短くしたモデルでし!

チャージャーでありながら アグレッシブに
相手をマークしたら 仲間と共に突撃でし!

接近されそうになったら すかさず
一方的に ねらい撃ちしてやるでし!

近距離戦でも 戦えるチャージャーとして
インクを確実に当てる 自信のある
ウデじまんの使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
Ah, the Classic Squiffer. For a
charger, it's a bit short on range,
but in return it can charge up
much more quickly.

That allows you to use it in a more
offensive way! I mean...being on
the offense. Not that the weapon is
offensive...except to your opponents.

Anyway, I'd take advantage of the
Point Sensor sub to coordinate an
attack with my teammates.

And if my home turf was invaded, I'd
deploy the Big Bubbler and hide inside,
using that Classic Squiffer action to
snipe enemies. Comfy in close range
with a charger? This set is for you!
メインの スクイックリンβ
スクイックリンαと 同じ性能でしが
より、 攻撃色を強めたモデルでし!

サブロボットボムを投げつつ チャージして、

スペシャルショクワンダー! 射程外で

前線で暴れまわりたい カクゴの決まった
チャージャー使いに かわいがって欲しいでし!
The New Squiffer boasts the same
main stats as the Classic Squiffer,
but it offers a more offensive style!

Between your charged shots and the
Autobomb sub weapon, there'll be
nowhere for your opponents to hide.

And if they do find a place to hunker
down, your Zipcaster special can get
you repositioned in a flash. Charge
while you're in the air, and splat 'em
before they can blink!

There are lots of ways to go on the
offensive with this kit. If you love
chargers but don't want to stick to
the back line, give it a shot!
メインウェポンの スプラチャージャー
遠距離攻撃が 得意なモデルでし!

 ZR を押し続けて インクを圧縮~~…
 ZR を離して 遠くまでパシューーーッ!
と、一直線上に インクを塗れるでし!

さらに、フルチャージしたまま インクを泳いでも
機動力の低さを カバーしているでし

かくれた相手をあぶり出す スプラッシュボム
近距離攻撃を返りうちにする キューインキ

チャージャーを初めて持つ人にも 使いやすい
構成でしから、 まずは このブキをかわいがって
Simply put, the Splat Charger is a
charger-type weapon designed for
long-range offense.

Its operation is standard—hold down
 ZR  to charge up ink, then release
 ZR  to fire it all out at once, inking
a long path in an instant!

Ah, but here's a key difference...the
Splat Charger can actually hold its
for a short period while you
swim. Tactically speaking, that's a
game-changing advantage!

And with Splat Bombs to flush out
hiding enemies and the Ink Vac to
turn the tables on invaders, this set
is impressively well-balanced.

I recommend it for anyone who's
looking to eventually master the
charger category of weapons!
メインの スプラチャージャーコラボ

性能は スプラチャージャーと同じでしが、
スプラチャージャーに慣れた人にも 便利に
使えるように 構成が見直されているでし!

サブスプラッシュシールドで チャージ中の

かくれた相手を あぶり出すのに有効でし!
近づく相手への けん制に使ってもいいでしよ

確実に相手を ねらい撃つ! そんなチャージャー
使いを目指すなら、ぜひ かわいがって欲しいでし
The Z+F Splat Charger is a special
model of the Splat Charger from
trendy gear brand Z+F!

Now, that cool brand doesn't make
the weapon any more powerful, or
anything, but you will get an entirely
new loadout to play around with!

Take, for example, the Splash Wall.
It's a great accessory for a charging
weapon because it allows you to take
cover while the main weapon, well,
charges up!

And it comes with the fearsome
Triple Inkstrike special! Whether you
use it to probe for hiding enemies or
holding down the fort, it's a beast.

If you want to be THAT charger user,
give this set a try.
メインウェポンの スプラスコープは、
スプラチャージャーに 遠くまでよく見える

スコープ視点で 相手をねらえるでしが、
チャージ中に 視界がせまくなるので
周りの安全を確認してから 撃つでし!

スコープを付けるために チャージキープ機構の
チャージキープができない点も 大きなちがいでしね

その分、安定性が増して 遠くまで届くでし!
自分のスタイルに合ったほうを 選んで欲しいでし!

入門モデルとして かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Splatterscope is a Splat Charger
with an added scope for more
effective long-distance aiming.

It's great for hitting far-off targets,
but your view is narrow while
charging, so be extra careful!

Also, that fancy scope takes up
space, so something had to go.
In this case, we had to nix the
ability to store your charge.

But hey, if you like to stay safe
and shoot from afar, this could be
the charger for you!

When you're not scoping and sniping,
you've also got Splat Bombs and the
Ink Vac at your disposal, so this is
a more balanced set than it would
appear. Give it a try!
メインウェポンの スプラスコープコラボは、
スプラチャージャーコラボに 遠くまで
よく見える スコープを付けたものでし

スコープ付きでしから、 チャージ中に視界が
せまくなる点と チャージキープできない点は、

のぞき見たい使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし
If you've ever wished that your
Z+F Splat Charger had a way to
see just...a bit...farther...now it
kinda does! They call it the Z+F
, and it's got a scope!

Keep in mind that using the scope
limits your field of view—and with
this weapon specifically, keeps you
from storing a charge.

But with the Splash Wall and Triple
in your back pocket, I think
the benefits of this loadout are
clear as day!
メインウェポンの リッター4Kは、
とても射程が長い チャージャーでし

接近する相手に トラップで備えつつ、
インクにかくれた相手を ホップソナー
丸見えにして、全部まとめて 撃ちぬくでし!

射程が長い分 チャージ時間も長いでしから
With its pressurized polymer
construction, the E-liter 4K has
a remarkably long range, even for
a charger!

To get the most out of it, you can
set Ink Mines for opponents who get
too close, then use the Wave Breaker
special to reveal those who are
slinking around in the ink.

Still, this set is all about long-range
accuracy, and in the right hands, it
will definitely hit the target. I hope
it goes to a good home!
メインウェポンの リッター4Kカスタム
純正パーツで リッター4K
見た目を カスタムしたチャージャーでし!

サブジャンプビーコンで ポジションを
変えながら 相手をねらい撃つでし!

スペシャルテイオウイカで お仕置きでし!

あるチャージャー使いに オススメでし!
The Custom E-liter 4K maintains
all the great features of the original
but features a bold new look.

The Squid Beakons it comes with can
give your respawning allies a way in,
but you could also use them yourself
to get the firing solution you need.

And if anyone gets the bright idea to
sneak up on your position, break out
the Kraken Royale special! We'll see
how sneaky they feel being chased
by an unstoppable juggernaut!

It might not be the most intuitive
charger on the market, but once you
master its tools, the battlefield is
your oyster. I'd recommend it to any
experienced sniper seeking an edge!
メインウェポンの 4Kスコープは、
リッター4Kに 遠くまでよく見える

視界がせまくなるので 周りに注意でし!

リッター4Kとちがって チャージキープできないので
立ち回りも 少し変わってくるところが
スコープ使いの意欲を かき立てるでし!

トラップホップソナーで 安全確保しつつも
しっかりねらって 撃ちぬきたい人に
The E-liter 4K Scope delivers the
long-range action of the 4K model
with a scope for added accuracy!

Though it boasts a shot range that
beats almost every other charger,
you'll want to be extra aware of your
surroundings when scoping in.

Unlike the E-liter 4K, the scoped
configuration won't let you store a
charged shot, so keep that in mind
as you adjust to the feel of using
a scope.

It comes with the same Ink Mines and
Wave Breaker special as the base
E-liter 4K, so you can apply the same
strategy—stay safe while you zoom
in and splat unsuspecting foes!
メインウェポンの 4Kスコープカスタムは、
リッター4Kカスタムに 遠くまでよく見える

できない点は キモにめいじるでし!

The Custom E-liter 4K Scope gives
you everything you loved about the
Custom E-liter 4K with the added
ability to zoom in on distant

While it boasts the longest range of
any charger, be extra aware that
you have a reduced field of vision
while charging and you won't be
able to store your charge.

Find a safe spot to establish a
Squid Beakon for your allies, then
give your enemies a surprise with
the Kraken Royale! There's no better
charger for those with the skill!
メインウェポンの 14式竹筒銃・甲
伝説の部隊の司令官が 持っていたものを
現代のバトル用に 復刻したものでし!

職人さんが 当時のものを忠実に再現するため、
素材に 竹を使用しているので

一発の攻撃力は 他のチャージャーにおとるでしが、
高速でチャージできるので 連射に強いうえ、

すかさずチャージして 攻めこむ!
攻撃的な立ち回りで 追いこんでいくでし!

切り札の メガホンレーザー5.1chで 部隊を
勝利にみちびくでし! ぜひ 伝説の司令官に
なりきって かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Bamboozler 14 Mk I is a tribute
to a weapon used by the leader of
the famous Squidbeak Splatoon, but
retooled for the battles of today!

I've used bamboo in my version to
remain faithful to the original design,
but as a trade-off, it can't store a
charged shot

Is it the most powerful charger?
No. Is it the most mobile charger?
Also no. But with "good enough"
power and charging speed, I think
this is a compromise that WORKS.

Plus, when you have Autobombs to
sniff out enemy positions, you can
put yourself in the perfect spot to
charge up and attack!

For the coup de grâce, activate your
Killer Wail 5.1 and take a moment to
pay tribute to the legendary leader
who inspired this weapon.
メインウェポンの ソイチューバーは、
チャージキープ機構に さらなる改良が
加えられた チャージャーでし!

チャージキープした状態で インクを泳げる距離が

その分 フルチャージまでの時間は長いでしが、
このブキは フルチャージしなくてもチャージキープ

サブトーピードで 相手の位置をハアクして、
安全な位置で チャージするといいでし!

フルチャージ状態をキープしつつ 有利な位置に
移動して ねらい撃ち! 倒し損ねても
追い打ちのマルチミサイルで チェックメイトでし!

ぜひ手に取って かわいがってみて欲しいでし!
I debuted this weapon before, but I'm
as proud as ever of the Goo Tuber, a
charger with the upgraded ability to
store your charge even longer!

It offers high-pressure ink storage
for extended periods, allowing you to
stay submerged while you wait for
the perfect shot!

In exchange, it takes a bit longer to
charge, but this baby can even store
partial charge, giving you the
ultimate in flexibility.

For instance, while you use a Torpedo
to reveal enemy positions, you can
be comfortably charging away in
a safe spot.

Then, when you're ready to ink 'em
up, zip to the most advantageous
spot and snipe away! If you miss,
you have Tenta Missiles in your back
pocket to finish the job.

If you want to take your strategy to
the next level by storing charges
and taking advantage of each stage's
unique terrain with your mobility,
this set is for you!
メインの ソイチューバーカスタム
純正パーツで ソイチューバー
見た目を カスタムしたチャージャーでし!

性能は ソイチューバーと同じでしが、
サブタンサンボムで まっすぐ地面を塗れば、

チャージ中に相手に つめ寄られたら
スペシャルウルトラハンコで お出むかえ!

前に撃っても かなりのイリョクを出せるでしから、
気軽に かわいがってみて欲しいでし!
The Custom Goo Tuber has that
classic Goo Tuber performance but
with a fresh new look and a new
loadout that can really shake up
your strategy!

For example, when you use Fizzy
to ink a path forward, you
can load up a stored charge and
blast ahead.

Enemies corner you while you're
on the offensive? You've got the
Ultra Stamp special in your back
pocket! It's so satisfying to turn
the tables like that...

And remember—stored charges are
great, but this weapon still packs
a punch on a partial charge. Don't
be shy with that trigger button!
チャージしたインクを ちょっとずつ発射することで

 ZR でチャージしたあと、離すと発射でし
もう一度  ZR を押して離すと、また発射!

連続で撃てる代わりに 1発のイリョクは


さらに、設置した冷蔵庫は インクを通さないので

欲張りな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
If you use chargers but wish they
were a little more...prolific...enter
the Snipewriter 5H! It's a charger-
style weapon that can fire shots
in quick succession.
Hold down  ZR  to charge, and then
release to fire. Then you can press
 ZR  to fire again and again—up to
five shots on a single charge!

Now, there's always a catch, and
here's the catch on this weapon—
each shot is a bit less powerful than
some other chargers, and you can't
store a charge.

But when you have the Sprinkler to
help with coverage and a Tacticooler
to power up your friends, those may
be catches you can live with.

The fifth time's the charm with
this unique charger, so I hope you'll
give it a try!


スペシャルアメフラシを ねらった相手に


やすくする構成でし! フルチャージで5回撃てる
The Snipewriter 5B is a great
illustration of how versatile the
Snipewriter system is! The 5B is
made from softer material than the
5H, making it even easier to learn.

Throw out a Splash Wall for cover
while you're charging up or unloading
a full charge—or use it to distract
from your Ink Storm special.

With the capacity for five shots
on a full charge, the Snipewriter 5B
makes a great first charger, because
there's not so much pressure on
aiming one powerful shot perfectly.

Of course, with the luxury of hiding
out behind that Splash Wall, maybe
you CAN aim perfectly! Why not give
this set a try and find out?


メインウェポンの バケットスロッシャーは、
一直線に大量のインクを ぶちまける性能を持つ
スロッシャーと呼ばれるブキの ひとつでし!

高台の上や カベの向こう側を
攻撃するのが 得意なんでしね~

けん制しつつ サブスプラッシュボム

トリプルトルネードを 目かくしにして突撃!
スロッシャー初心者に オススメのブキでし!
The Slosher is one of the most
technologically advanced weapons I
have had the privilege of demoing.

I'm kidding! It's a bucket of ink!
But that doesn't mean it can't be
absolutely brutal in the right hands.

See, slosher-type weapons are
perfect for attacking enemies in
elevated positions or hiding behind
walls. They think they're safe, and

You can't rapid-fire a bucket, of
course, but in conjunction with
Splat Bombs, you can stop almost
anyone in their tracks.

And with the Triple Inkstrike special,
you have the ability to blindside the
other team before moving in for the
splat. This loadout is a bucketload
of fun!
メインの バケットスロッシャーデコ

なってるでし! かかった相手はマークされるので、
仲間といっしょに 片づけちゃうでし!


Slosher users—ever feel like your
slosher just isn't as fancy as some
of the other weapon types? Well,
check out the Slosher Deco! It has
cool stickers on it!

I joke, but no one will be laughing
when you master the Angle Shooter
sub and tag all your enemies for
easy splatting by your teammates.

And if you use the Zipcaster to
reach high ground, you can rain
down ink all day long like only a
slosher main can.

Your bucket will runneth over with
this set, so be sure to give it a try
if you like sloshing!
メインウェポンの ヒッセンは、
一度に前3方向へ インクを
ぶちまけることができる スロッシャーでし!

止めてしまえば 心配はいらないでし!

スペシャルジェットパックで 制圧力もバッチリ!
よくばりな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし
The Tri-Slosher answers a question
that nobody asked, which is..."Please
let me fling three giant buckets of ink
at the same time."

Hey, come to think of it, that's not
even a question! Anyway, since the
Tri-Slosher offers a broader attack,
the inkpower is a bit less than your
basic Slosher.
But when you've got Toxic Mist to
slow enemies down, it's barely even a
problem. Add in the Inkjet, and you're
packing plenty of power. This is a set
for sloshing away with impunity!
メインの ヒッセン・ヒュー
メーカーオプションの 特別なそうしょくが
ほどこされた ヒッセンになってるでし!

イカせば 素早く相手に近づけるので、


塗り性能もバッチリ! 戦局を動かす可能性を
秘めたブキでしから、ピンチでも あきらめない
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Tri-Slosher Nouveau is a special
version of the Tri-Slosher that
includes an exclusive sticker!
And if the sticker isn't selling it, let
me tell you about the loadout...

First up, you get Fizzy Bombs,
enabling you to close the distance
between you and opponents quickly.
If you've used sloshers before, you
already know that close equals splat!

And you can amp up the mobility even
more with the Tacticooler! Now you're
gliding around the map like a manta
ray with rocket boosters, and your
teammates are getting a boost too.

Don't even get me started on the ink
coverage. It's also great! So I hope
you give this set a try. It can really
turn the tide in battle!
メインウェポンの スクリュースロッシャー
洗濯機の機構から 着想を得た、
ヒネリの効いたスクリュー弾が 撃てるブキでし!

スクリュー弾の 直撃による攻撃力と
ウズになって飛び散るインクでの けん制が

サブタンサンボムで 相手の行動範囲を
制限して バシャバシャかける! にげられたら
すかさず ナイスダマで追い打ちでし!

とにかく インクをかけまくって、
戦場を混乱のウズに おとしいれてやるでし!
The Sloshing Machine is like a washing
machine...but for getting everything
filthy with ink!

Each volley of beautiful, twisting
ink hits its target with plenty of
power and leaves a sloppy mess
everywhere. It's great for covering
plenty of turf.

Try using Fizzy Bombs to contain the
other team's movement while you
dial the Sloshing Machine up to the
max. The other team will be in a spin
cycle before you know it!

And don't forget about your Booyah
—another tool in your quest
to make a mess-terpiece of the field.
By now it should be clear...this set is
NOT for neat freaks.
メインの スクリュースロッシャーネオ


それでも にげ回る相手には、スペシャル
ウルトラショット! マークに向けて長距離砲を

使い手が かわいがるとイイかもでし!
The Sloshing Machine Neo isn't so
much an upgrade from the basic
Sloshing Machine as a...side-grade.
It has the same basic ability to slosh
ink all over the place.

But it has a new look and a new
loadout to play with—including the
Point Sensor sub! Throw one down
to mark enemy positions, then put
'em in the splat cycle with your main.

If you've got stubborn enemy ink
stains that just won't come out,
that's when it's time to fire up the
Trizooka special. I'll put it this way...
it's not for delicates!

This set is great for players who
want to put the other team in
a permanent press and see a
sparkling clean sweep at the end.
メインウェポンの オーバーフロッシャー
バスタブの機構から 着想を得た、
バウンドする弾が 撃てるブキでし!

ひと振りにつき 4発の弾を自動で発射!
広範囲をけん制したり できるでし!

塗り性能バツグンの コンビネーション!

射程の長さと塗りの強さで 要所を守って
Even if you've never lobbed a blob,
it's not against blob law to use the
Bloblobber! What's more, each lob
fires four blobs—that's an awful
lot of lawful blobs!

Once your tongue is untied, you can
use the Bloblobber to target a single
enemy—perhaps your friend Rob—or
an entire mob. Truly, it's a versatile
weapon for every job.

And although they sound out of place
here, the Sprinkler sub weapon and
Ink Storm special actually complement
this set quite nicely. Like butter
melting over corn on the cob!
メインの オーバーフロッシャーデコ
メーカーオプションの カラーリングになった

相手をマークして あぶりだしたりと、後方から

スペシャルテイオウイカ! 前線で巨大化して
相手を追い回してやるでし! 後方でも前線でも

オススメでし! バトルで アセをかいた後の
勝利の ひとっ風呂は気持ちいいでし~!
Love the Bloblobber but not the
way it looks? Check out the
Bloblobber Deco! It lobs blobs just
like a regular Bloblobber but has
a fun new look.

And did I mention the new loadout?
This one comes with the Angle
sub, which can both deal
damage directly and reveal tricky
hidden enemies.

I should also talk about the Kraken
special, but really...the ability
to transform into a massive killer
squid or octo at a moment's notice
kind of speaks for itself.

I recommend this set for maximum
blob lobbing with a dash of mobility
and a heaping helping of giant squid!
メインウェポンの エクスプロッシャー
業務用ヒーターをもとに アツアツのインクを

放出された弾は 地面やカベに当たると
爆発するので、モノカゲに かくれている相手にも

相手の位置を伝えて 仲間を

さらに スペシャルアメフラシ
インクに かくれている相手を

サブスペシャルを活用して 仲間といっしょに
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Explosher main is a reporpoised
industrial heater modified to fling
piping-hot ink long distances!

Its shots explode on contact with
walls and the ground, so it's handy
for hitting foes who like to hide!

And with the Point Sensor sub, you
can reveal enemy positions to your
allies, or queue 'em up for your own
ink bath, courtesy of the Explosher.

For super-slippery customers who
might be slinking along in their own
ink, fire up the Ink Storm and watch
'em scramble as they're revealed.

With so many ways to direct the
action, I recommend this loadout
for all aspiring team captains!
メインの エクスプロッシャーカスタム
純正パーツで エクスプロッシャー
見た目を カスタムしたモデルでし!

性能は エクスプロッシャーと同じでしが、


遠くの相手も 近くの相手も
真心こめて おもてなししたい お客様第一の
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Custom Explosher is built with
custom-tooled parts to create a
cool new take on the original!

It's basically the same Explosher you
know and love, but this one comes
with the Splash Wall sub to keep
enemies at bay in close combat.

And if your opponents push the
issue, simply retort in the form of
a devastating Triple Splashdown!

I recommend this set to anyone with
a customer-first approach. Go to
your "clients" where they live, and
deliver the hard sell!
メインウェポンの モップリン



攻撃力を 十分におぎなえるでし

じっくり かわいがって、2つのインクの あつかいを
I'm pleased to introduce an entirely
new slosher...the Dread Wringer!
This double-muzzled slosher actually
fires—or rather, sloshes—two bursts
of ink at once.

There's a slight delay before the
second burst releases, which gives
you an interesting choice. Fire
straight ahead and hope for a
powerful direct hit, or...

Try sweeping the nozzles horizontally
to attack or ink a wider area. The
choice is yours!

Oh, I haven't even gotten to the
loadout yet! With both Suction Bombs
and the Reefslider special, you have
an explosive combination that more
than makes up for lower firepower.

It may take some getting used to,
but if you can master the way of the
double slosh, I think you'll find this
can be a go-to weapon set that
you'll have tons of fun with!
メインウェポンの モップリンD
モップリンに メーカーのエンブレムが
あしらわれた マイナーチェンジモデルでし!



大局観のあるリーダーに かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Dread Wringer D is a limited-
edition model of the Dread Wringer
from the manufacturer. Trust me—
you're not just paying for a
fancy logo!

What you get for your money is a
weapon with all the same stats as
the Dread Wringer but a little bit
better at supporting your squad.

The Wave Breaker special paints a
target on enemies' backs. That's
when you call in your allies with the
Squid Beakon sub to go after them

If your thing is seeing the big picture
and assisting allies as needed, this
model plays right into your hands.
Give yourself a promotion from grunt
to general!


メインウェポンの スプラスピナー
減らして あつかいやすくしたスピナーでし!

サブクイックボムを使えば カベ塗りを
スムーズにこなして 立体的な戦いができるうえ、
近寄ってきた相手にも 素早く対応できるでし

さらに スペシャルウルトラハンコ
軽快に立ち回って 仲間と勝利をつかむでし!
Ooo, let me tell you all about the new
and improved Mini Splatling. Thanks
to a few revisions with the firing
mechanism, it charges more quickly
than ever!

This loadout also comes with
Burst Bombs, which are excellent
for inking walls, allowing you to
get vertical in a hurry when the
situation demands it.

And speaking of situational strategy,
with the Ultra Stamp as your special,
you can push the front line at the
drop of a splat. Try this set out if
you fancy yourself a field general!
構成を変えて 別の味付けになったブキでし

相手は かっこうのマトでし!


スピナー初心者に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Zink Mini Splatling stands out
with a fancy new look and an updated
suite of complementary weapons,
although its performance is identical
to the original Mini Splatling.

First of all, we now have the Toxic
sub weapon to slow enemies
down. Slow enemies make for good
targets, so you're less likely to
"mist" them with the Mini Splatling!

Another good strategy with this
loadout is to fire up the Big Bubbler
and take cover while you're charging.
Then you can burst forward, ready
to launch an offensive!

If you're new to splatlings, this set
is user-friendly and ready to rock.
Give it a try!
メインウェポンの バレルスピナー
使い方は チャージャーに似てるでしが
スピナーと呼ばれる 別タイプのブキでし!

 ZR を押し続けて インクを圧縮~~…
 ZR を離して スパパパパパパッ! と、
インク弾を 連続で発射できるでし!

が、インクを多く使うのと チャージに時間が
かかるので、かなり スキが大きくなるでし

一方的に撃てるように 立ち回るでし!

さらに ホップソナーで相手の位置を見つけ、
射程をイカして 撃ちぬけば

チャージャーにはない 攻撃時間の長さで
相手を寄せつけない ナワバリの番人として
カツヤクしたい使い手に オススメでし!
The mechanics of the Heavy Splatling
are similar to those of a charger, but
it's in a weapon class of its own!

Hold down  ZR  to compress your ink,
and then release  ZR  to unleash a
monster stream!

Now, as you might expect, each
charge takes a while to get ready
and uses a huge amount of ink,
leaving you wide-open while you wait.

That's why the Sprinkler is a great
sub weapon here. It'll help your turf
stay inked and keep a little distance
between you and your enemies.

The pro move is to fire up your
Wave Breaker to expose enemy
locations while the Heavy Splatling
charges up. Then it's open season
from way downtown!

With power like this, even enemies
with chargers will be jelly!
メインウェポンの バレルスピナーデコ
デコ職人さんが デコったスピナーでし!

マークをねらって スパパパッ!
長射程をイカして 撃ちぬいてやるでし!

相手は にげるしかないでし~

きっと かわいがってくれるでし!
The Heavy Splatling Deco is simply
a Heavy Splatling that's been
cosmetically enhanced.

That said, it also comes with a new
loadout, including the Point Sensor!
Fire up that sub to pinpoint a target,
and...ba-ba-ba-BOOSH! Lay 'em out
with the Heavy Splatling inkpower.

Find yourself in a tight spot? That's
when it's Kraken Royale time, friend.
The only thing an enemy can do in
the face of that special is run away.

This is a unique loadout that will
set you apart on the battlefield.
Why not give it a shot?
制圧を目的とした スピナーでし!
弾幕の雨あられは 一見の価値あり!

…でしが、チャージ時間が とんでもなく長いし、
インク消費量も ケタ外れでしから
相手との距離に 十分注意するでし!

ロボットボムで 近づく相手を遠ざけたり、


相手を近づけさせない カクゴの持ち主で、
後方からサポートして 戦場を制圧したい
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Hydra Splatling is designed to
impose extreme pressure on your
opponents' turf through superior

However, because the weapon takes
so long to charge, it's definitely
a liability in close quarters.

I recommend using your Autobombs
to fend off incoming bogeys—and
they can even help reveal far-off
opponents who can be splatted from
long range!

If anyone DOES make it past your
defenses, the unwelcome surprises
aren't over. This loadout allows you
to greet them with a Booyah Bomb!
Mi casa is NOT su casa!

I recommend this setup for all you
homebodies who want to set up
camp and never leave—supporting
your team through long-range
firepower instead!
メインウェポンの クーゲルシュライバー

撃ち始めは 回転の勢いが強いので
あっという間に 倒すこともできるでし!

だんだん 回転が落ち着いてくると
遠くの相手を精密に ねらうことができるでし!

このブキにはもうひとつ トクチョウがあるでし!
なんと 弾の発射中にチャージしなおすことが

再チャージの時間によって 回転の勢いを
コントロールすれば より自在に戦えるでし!

サブタンサンボムで 有利な位置に

さらに スペシャルジェットパック

トリッキーなブキを 使いこなせる
テクニシャンな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
Let me introduce you to a very
special weapon—this is called
the Ballpoint Splatling, and it has
a unique dual fire rate!

Here's how it works. When you start
firing, the barrel spins super fast,
spraying everything around you with
tons of ink. It's great for covering
turf quickly.

But once the spin slows a bit, the
weapon transforms into a long-range
ace! You can target faraway enemies
with shocking accuracy.

And that's not all! Sorry—I've been
watching infomercials. The Ballpoint
can be paused midfire to recharge.
Not all splatlings can do that!

Now, with all of these features, this
weapon might take some getting used
to, so I recommend taking it for a
test run on the firing range before
heading straight into battle.

In conjunction with Fizzy Bombs and
the Inkjet special, this loadout may
not be for beginners, but it's a
technical wizard's dream come true.
メインの クーゲルシュライバー・ヒュー
別のプレイスタイルを 提案する モデルでし!

備えるでし! ひっかかった相手はマークされるので


エンの下の力持ちに かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Ballpoint Splatling Nouveau
offers the same capable performance
of the original but with a new look
and a new loadout to help you
write a different story!

Pepper the field with Ink Mines
to bookmark your enemies for
easy splatting later.

And use the Ink Vac special to set
up the ultimate plot twist—literally
reversing enemy progress and making
it easier for your team to move
around the map and splat freely!

Just remember—even if you fancy
yourself a brilliant writer, you could
use a coauthor. This set is designed
with teamwork in mind, so don't be
afraid to collaborate!
メインウェポンの ノーチラス47

チャージしたあと モノカゲや段差から
一気に飛び出して 攻撃することだってできるでし!

さらに 発射中の再チャージ機構に加えて、

サブポイントセンサーで 相手の動きを
活用して 仕留めるだけでし!

かくれた相手の居場所も バッチリ丸見え!

チャージキープしながら センプクする姿は
さながら潜水艦のようでし! 相手の裏をつくのが
好きな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Nautilus 47 was the first
splatling to allow you to store your
while swimming in ink!

It sounds like a small detail, but let
me assure you...it's huge! It means
you can charge undetected until
you're ready to leap out and splat
an unsuspecting opponent.

Of course, this state-of-the-art
weapon has a few other tricks up
its sleeve as well...

It can be paused midshot to charge.
It has a stabilizer to keep your aim
steady while you jump. And it makes
an inkredible grilled cheese! Oh, I may
have dreamed the last one...

Anyway, with the Point Sensor sub
and Ink Storm special to help read
opponent positions, this loadout can
make you feel like you're playing in
Cod Mode!
メインウェポンの ノーチラス79は、
ノーチラス47を メッキしたものなので
性能としては 同じでし!



再チャージの組み合わせは 可能性の宝庫でし!
ぜひ 自分だけの戦いを編み出して欲しいでし!
The Nautilus 79 functions like the
Nautilus 47 but comes with an
all-new coat of paint!

The Suction Bombs are the rock, and
your main weapon is the hard place.
I trust you know where to trap your
enemies, hmm?

Once your Triple Splashdown special
is ready, you can even try your hand
at making an impact on the front line!

With this set's sub and special,
plus the ability to store a charge,
PLUS the ability to charge while
firing, this one weapon gives you
a world of opportunities!
メインウェポンの イグザミナー

撃てるでし! フルチャージして撃つと連射力が
上がるでしから、しっかり チャージするでし!

くれるでし! スペシャルエナジースタンドにも

思う存分 インク弾をばらまきながら、
戦場を高速でかけ回りたい フルスロットルな
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Heavy Edit Splatling boasts the
fastest fire rate of any splatling
and—despite the name—a surprisingly
lightweight feel, allowing you to move
quickly and shoot quickly-er.

Oh, I wish I could edit what I just
said as quickly as this weapon edits
enemies out of the picture. No one
shot hits particularly hard, but with
this fire rate, it hardly matters!

And speaking of speed, your Curling
can put you on the glide path
to victory, and the Tacticooler
special can help you get there
even sooner with a speed burst!

You don't need to read between the
lines here. I'm saying this set is
built for one thing—going fast.
Why not buckle up and give it
a try?


メインウェポンの スパッタリーは、
機動性を追求するために とことん
工夫をこらした マニューバーなんでし!

射程が短くなったでし… しかし、スライドの
性能は しっかり保っているところが さすがでし!


エナジースタンドを使えば さらに移動力アップ!
持ち前のスピードで 相手を手玉に取るでし!

軽快なフットワークで 仲間をサポートし、
得意な使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Dapple Dualies are dualie-type
weapons that have been obsessively
engineered for optimum mobility!

They're now lighter, allowing for
faster movement, but they
have less range. It's a trade-off.

But you know what goes well with
mobility? Even more mobility! That's
where the Tacticooler special shines.

Blitz forward with added speed from
the Tacticooler, and place Squid
Beakons to help your teammates
secure forward positions to take
advantage of this set.

It's not a hit-and-run strategy.
It's more like...run-hit-run-run-hit-
hit-hit-run... You get the picture.
メインウェポンの スパッタリー・ヒュー
スパッタリーと同じ性能でしが、 テクニシャンな

スライドで 一気に射程に入りこむでし!


状況ハアクと対処能力に 自信のある
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The trouble with the Dapple Dualies
is that you'll be whizzing
through the stage so fast with them
that no one will be able to appreciate
their cool design!

As weapons, though, they're pretty
good. Just like the Dapple Dualies
you may know and love already. But
now equipped with the Torpedo sub
to distract and annoy your enemies!

And for those times when foes are
bunching up and you need something
with more oomph, kick the Reefslider
into gear and splat 'em all at once.

If you're good at reading the map
and making your own plan of attack,
this loadout is a great choice!
メインウェポンの スプラマニューバーは、過熱する
マニューバーと呼ばれるタイプの ブキでし!

両手に1つずつ ブキを持つのも注目でしが、
推進力で高速移動するスライド! コレでし!

スライド直後に 少しの間 移動できなく

攻撃力は少し ひかえめでしが、
サブキューバンボムと スライドの機動力を

遠くの相手は カニタンクで ねらい撃ち!
第一歩を ふみ出す人に オススメでし!
Here we have the Splat Dualies, a
dualie weapon born from the "ink
hard or get splatted trying" culture
of Turf War battles!

These are dual-wielding, pistol-type
weapons that—let's be honest—look
pretty sweet. But there's some real
substance behind the style...

The propulsive exhaust nozzles on
each weapon allow you to perform
a high-speed Dodge Roll!

As a trade-off, you won't be able to
move for a brief moment after
executing this move. But during that
time, the two weapon sights overlap,
increasing your splatting power.

Paired with Suction Bombs as your
sub weapon, this loadout might SEEM
as though it's lacking in power...
then BOOM. You realize you have
the Crab Tank. All hail Crab Tank!
メインウェポンの スプラマニューバーコラボ

性能は スプラマニューバーと同じでしが、

こぶしを たたきつけられるでし!

If you like Splat Dualies and the
Enperry brand, boy, have I got the
weapon for you. Behold the Enperry
Splat Dualies

An updated loadout offers fresh new
strategic options, such as following
behind a Curling Bomb to close the
gap to your enemies before unloading
with the full force of the dualies.

And if you simply can't wait to get
into the thick of things, you can
unleash a Triple Splashdown DURING
a Super Jump to immediately make
a massive impact.

It all adds up to a set that's perfect
for anyone who's spoiling for a fight.
Give it a try and see if that's you!
メインウェポンの ケルビン525
開発された マニューバーでし!

連射は あまり速くないでしが、



オールラウンドに カツヤクしたい使い手に
The Glooga Dualies were developed
with one thing in mind—pure damage.

They're not the fastest dualies, but
when you pull off a sweet Dodge Roll
with these in your hands, you
temporarily gain the ability to fire
an outrageously powerful shot!

Now, while the big-shot power grabs
the headlines, many people overlook
the Splash Wall sub. And that's a
mistake, because it actually gives
you great defensive balance.

Last but not least, the Booyah Bomb
special has the potential to tip the
scales in your favor. I hope this
balanced set helps you net a
lopsided victory!
メインウェポンの ケルビン525デコ
ケルビン525をベースに デコ職人さんが
デコレーションをほどこした モデルでし!


相手がにげだしても ご安心、

確実に倒す! このブキを かわいがって
The main weapons in the
Glooga Dualies Deco set are just the
Glooga Dualies with a new paint job!
Ink job? No, paint job was right.

While its stats haven't changed, the
Point Sensor sub is new. Mark your
enemies to track their movements,
then get in close with Dodge Rolls to
ruin their day!

They might try to escape, sure, but
a well-aimed Trizooka special will put
paid to that.

Once you mark an enemy, it's yours
to terrorize with your main and
special weapons! Happy hunting!
メインウェポンの デュアルスイーパーは、
マニューバーとして 生まれ変わらせたブキでし!

スライド後に 構え撃ちするときの

スプラッシュボムで相手を あぶりだしたら、
射程と連射をイカして 集中攻撃でし!

見つけた相手を 片っぱしから倒すでし!

よくばりな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
Do you know the Jet Squelcher?
Would you like to have two of them?
Good, because that's what Dualie

If you don't know the Jet Squelcher,
it features the ability to fire off
extremely accurate and fairly rapid
shots after executing a roll. And
now you have TWO of them!

Meanwhile, you can sniff out enemies
with both the Wave Breaker special
and your Splat Bombs. I call it the
"see it, splat it" strategy.

If you like to stick and move with
accurate shots across a long
distance, I recommend you give
this loadout a try!
メインの デュアルスイーパーカスタムは、
純正パーツで デュアルスイーパーの見た目を
カスタムした モデルでし!

サブジャンプビーコンで 要所に仲間を

対処に追われる相手を みんなでたおして

戦局を読みながら 仲間と協力して
バトルを動かしたい ゲームメーカーな使い手に
The Custom Dualie Squelchers are
exactly what they sound like—a
customized set of Dualie Squelchers!

That said, they come with a new
loadout, including the Squid Beakon
sub weapon. You can use that to
strategically consolidate your forces
on the map.

Then, with everyone assembled, try
activating the Super Chump to draw in
opportunistic enemies before teaming
up to take them out.

If you fancy yourself a tactical
mastermind, consider adding this
set to your arsenal!
メインウェポンの クアッドホッパーブラックは、
4連続スライドを可能にした マニューバーでし!

しかも スライド中に弾を発射できるので
戦場を 飛ぶようにかけ回り、 軽やかに
勝利をつかみ取れること 間違いなしでし!

ロボットボムで 位置を割り出したら
ボムから にげている相手に スライドで急接近!
これぞ セルフはさみ撃ちでし!

距離を取られそうになったら スペシャル
サメライドで追い打ち! 接近戦のスペシャリストに
なりたい使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Dark Tetra Dualies feature
four ink-ejecting nozzles that allow
you to execute up to four Dodge
Rolls in a row! Yes, I said FOUR!

And because you can shoot while
rolling, you'll be able to zip around
stages with ease and roll your way
to victory.

This loadout also comes with
Autobombs, which almost seems
unfair. You can use those to chase
your opponents out of hiding spots,
and then swoop in with the splat.

And if they slip away? Fire up the
Reefslider and hunt 'em down, shark-
style. I recommend this set for those
who want to set up their own pincer
moves and pressure the enemy!
メインの クアッドホッパーホワイトは、


スライドで動き回れば 大混乱まちがいなし!
相手のナワバリを かき乱してやるでし!

メインの機動力を さらに高める構成でしから、
器用な使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Light Tetra Dualies have the
same specs as the dark ones, but
they come in a set geared toward
turf inkage!

So what does that mean? Well, try
leaving the inking to the Sprinkler
sub while you Dodge Roll straight
toward the front lines.

Then, when your Zipcaster special is
ready, you can fly around enemy
turf sowing chaos and confusion!

It's all a bit like taping an extra
turbo to a vehicle that has five
turbos already. Excessive?
Perhaps! But if you have the need
for speed, give it a shot.
メインウェポンの ガエンFFは、

長い射程がミリョクでし! 遠くの相手を


メインや スペシャルメガホンレーザー5.1ch

ややマニアックで かわいがりこなすのが
使い手に 試して欲しいでし!
The Douser Dualies FF are long-range
dualies with different properties
before and after a Dodge Roll.

Normally, their rate of fire is on the
low side, but their long range makes
up for it! Who wouldn't want to keep
distant foes at bay and bend the
battlefield to their whim?

But things change after a Dodge Roll.
The range gets shorter, while the
rate of fire increases significantly,
turning you into a close-combat

Soften up foes with the Ink Mine sub,
then go in guns blazing with your
main weapon or Killer Wail 5.1 special!

The weapon has its quirks, and it'll
take some getting used to. But if you
put in the work, you'll definitely reap
the reward!


メインウェポンの パラシェルターは、
ひと味ちがった ユニークな戦いかたを提案する
シェルターと呼ばれる モデルでし!

 ZR で、前方にインクが散らばるショットが
撃てるでし!  ZR を押し続けると バサッと
カサが開いて 相手の攻撃を防げるでし!

さらにさらに! そのまま  ZR を押し続けると
バシュウゥーーーッ!と カサをパージして
攻撃を防ぎながら 前進できるでし!

仲間のピンチに カサを開いてガード!
パージして いっしょに前線へ向かうといった、
仲間のサポートを 強く意識したブキでし!

塗りを広げつつ 仲間の動きを後押しできる

シェルターの特性を理解するのに ピッタリでしから
Umbrellas help you stay dry, but
Splat Brellas do that and more—like
coat the battlefield and any enemies
in your path with ink!

Let me explain. You can spray ink
normally with  ZR . But if you HOLD
 ZR , the brella will open like a shield!

And if you hold  ZR  even longer,
you'll launch the brella itself.
It leaves a trail of ink, can damage
enemies, and STILL protects you.
It's a triple threat!

Speaking of triples, this set also
comes with the Triple Inkstrike and
the Sprinkler sub, so I guess you
could say it's got you covered.
メインの パラシェルターソレーラは、同じ性能の
パラシェルターから、 カサのデザインと構成が
変わった 姉妹品モデルでし!


パージしたら スペシャルジェットパック

The Sorella Brella is the fraternal
twin of the Splat Brella—that is,
same stats, same basic DNA, but
different design and brella

And the loadout's different too!
Now you can fend off foes with
the Autobomb sub before pushing
forward with the brella.

Here's a pro move: deploy the brella
shield, and then fire up your Inkjet
special to rain down ink to support
your allies making a forward push
behind it.

This set is carefully crafted for
players who have the skill and
experience to use each component
in a coordinated attack. I hope
you'll give it a try!
メインウェポンの キャンピングシェルターは、


スペシャルキューインキがあれば ダイジョウブ!

まさに、チームを エンの下で支えるブキでしね~
仲間を守りつつ 勝利をつかみたい使い手に
The Tenta Brella is...well, a big
umbrella. You'd be forgiven for
thinking it looks like the sort of
thing you could camp in.

Because that's certainly one way
of using this setup! Try placing a
Squid Beakon, and then opening your
Tenta Brella wide for your teammates
to gather behind.

And if the enemy is bringing major
inkpower that can penetrate the
brella? Fire up the Ink Vac, and send
it right back at 'em!

I hope I've made it clear that this
loadout is for the ultimate team
player—someone who wants to
protect and support their team
on the path to victory!
メインの キャンピングシェルターソレーラは、

しかけるでし! 相手を見つけたら、メインの
攻撃力をイカして 片づけるでし!

マークした相手は にがさない! 遠くに のがれた
相手には スペシャルウルトラショット

立ち回りが カギになるでし! 切り替え上手な
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Tenta Sorella Brella set is
similar to the Tenta Brella set,
but it has a modified design and
a different sub and special.

Now you'll be able to press forward
with the brella and lay Ink Mines as
you go. Spot an enemy? Flap that
brella as hard as you can, and take
'em out!

If a particularly slippery foe sneaks
away, you've also got the Trizooka
special in your arsenal. Near or far,
it's got power and range aplenty.

Clearly, this set has offensive oomph,
but don't overlook the benefits of the
brella's defense. If you can flip the
switch from offense to defense on
a whim, give it a try!
メインウェポンの スパイガジェットは、
ブキとして使用できる シェルターでし!


サブトラップで 相手の気配を察知!
相手は ジ・エンドでし!

ピンチの仲間のもとへは サメライドで急行!
冷静さとダイタンさを かね備えるのが

映画さながらの イカしたスパイを目指す使い手に
Of all the brella-type weapons, the
Undercover Brella looks the most like
an ordinary umbrella. And that's no
accident—the weapon was designed
for stealth splatting!

Getting into the technical aspects,
the canopy-launching mechanism has
been removed here to allow for rapid
fire. The weapon can even be fired
while the canopy is open!

Back to stealth capabilities—you can
use the Ink Mine sub weapon to help
scope opponent positions before
sneaking in for a splat they'll
never see coming.

And if you're spotted? Throw all
subtlety out the window, fire up the
Reefslider, and ride boldly to victory!

I recommend this set to all aspiring
spies, especially those who know how
to walk softly and carry a big
shark-based motorcycle.
メインの スパイガジェットソレーラは、


センプク中の相手を まとめてあぶり出せるでし

インクはカサでガード! スマートにふるまうでし

The Undercover Sorella Brella is so
similar to the Undercover Brella that
you could almost mistake the two for
twin sisters! Not me though. I can
easily tell them apart.

Anyway, this weapon offers the same
sneaky play style, now paired with
the Torpedo sub. Cover blown? Just
toss one of those and disappear
again. It's spycraft 101.

And here's another top secret tip.
If you set up a Splattercolor Screen
on turf covered with enemy ink, it'll
reveal the position of any enemy
swimming in said ink. Neat, huh?

I recommend this set for anyone
who likes to pretend they're the
hero in a spy movie from time to
time. And that's everyone, not just
me, right?
メインウェポンの 24式張替傘・甲は、
木と竹でできたホネに 紙をはり合わせて
作った シェルターでし!



パージしたカサや サブラインマーカーで相手を
かく乱して、メインで しっかりねらうでし!

いざというときは スペシャルグレートバリア
使えば なんとかなるでし!

ちがった戦い方ができるでし! 雨の中、カサが
なくても平気なシェルター使いに オススメでし!
The Recycled Brella 24 Mk I is an
interesting brella. It's made from
paper stretched over a wood-and-
bamboo framework.

As you can imagine, that doesn't
make for the sturdiest canopy, so
it offers less protection than usual.

But the brella is quick to launch and
travels at a good clip when fired,
making it better than usual as an
offensive tool!

Even better, direct hits from the
main weapon really hurt! Distract
your foes with a launched canopy and
the Angle Shooter sub, then squeeze
off a direct hit!

Many brella users are uneasy about
giving up their protection, but that's
what the Big Bubbler special is for.
When the ink starts to fly, it'll keep
you safe! Probably!

A brella centered around launching
the canopy rather than hiding behind
it takes some getting used to, but I
highly recommend this to anyone who
doesn't mind getting a bit wet!


メインの ノヴァブラスターは そのかわいい
インクを内蔵した 近距離用ブラスターでし

連射はできるでしが イカんせん射程が短いので、
サブスプラッシュボムで 相手を動かして

ショクワンダーで後ろに回りこんで ドカン!
と クールにキメるでし

戦場の地形と 相手の動きを読み切る
クレバーな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Luna Blaster may look cute, but
its short-range exploding ink shots
pack a serious wallop.

If you find that your enemies are
dancing just outside that range,
toss a few Splat Bombs to keep 'em
on their toes.

And for the ones sniping you from
FAR away, fire up the Zipcaster,
sneak behind 'em, and...well, you
know what to do from there.

Really, this set is ideal for players
who want to read the terrain and
react to their opponents' moves.
メインの ノヴァブラスターネオは、
形状はそのままに 表面をマットに仕上げた

ニガテな遠距離の相手を サブタンサンボム
けん制しつつ、こっそり近づいて メインの爆発を

強行突破! 相手をペシャンコにしてやるでし!

かわいい見た目に反して 攻撃的な
Some say the Luna Blaster Neo is
just a Luna Blaster with a sweet
new design. I...may have said that
myself. But the loadout as a whole
is actually quite different!

Of course, the weapon packs that
same great punch as the original
Luna Blaster, but if you find the
range isn't enough, now you can
fire off a Fizzy Bomb.

And for those times you're politely
knocking on the door but can't break
through, the Ultra Stamp can help
kick that thing down and get the
splat party started!

This set is cute as all get-out, but
it's deadlier than a bathtub full of
alligators. If you're into that kind
of contrast, give it a try!
メインウェポンの ホットブラスターは、
空気にふれると 爆発するインクを発射する
ブラスターと呼ばれるブキの ひとつでし

連射も飛距離も イマイチでしが、
直撃すれば特大ダメージ! カベの裏に
かくれている相手にも 爆風で攻撃できるでし!

なかなか出てこない相手には ロボットボム
プレゼントして、出てきたところを ドカン!
と ねらい撃ちするのが美しいでしね~

接近されても グレートバリアがあれば問題なし!
相手の動きを コントロールして戦う使い手に
What can I say about the Blaster
other than...it blasts. HARD.
When those balls of ink explode,
they can even tag enemies hiding
behind walls.

Now, the range isn't great, and the
rate of fire leaves a little to be
desired, but you can always coax
an enemy out of hiding with an
Autobomb, can't you?

On the other hand, if you're getting
charged, that's when it's time to
break out the Big Bubbler.

Basically, if YOU want to be the
one controlling the action, this
is the loadout for you.
純正パーツで ホットブラスター
見た目を カスタムしたモデルでし!


ウルトラチャクチを たたきつけてやるでし!

近づかせない守り手に オススメでし!
Ah, the Custom Blaster! To call it a
customized Blaster would be
accurate, but that doesn't tell the
whole story. And we need the whole
story, don't we?

Made with official Blaster parts, the
Custom Blaster is best suited for
ranged combat. Use the Point Sensor
sub to mark your enemies for
immediate demolition!

If the other team DOES get too close
for comfort, you've got the Triple
to hit them with three
times the Splashdown! It's also a
great way to ink turf.

I recommend this powerful set to
players who can't stand the sight
of a single enemy on their home turf!
メインウェポンの ロングブラスターは、
インクの酸化を おくらせることで
爆発までの距離を長くした ブラスターでし!

特殊な構造のために 連射速度が少し
下がったでしが、キューバンボムで あぶり出した
相手を 持ち前の長射程で仕留めるでし!

相手の位置を ハアクすれば、
カベの後ろにかくれた相手も ねらい放題!

離れた場所から ジリジリと追いつめたい
ハンターな使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Range Blaster delays the
oxidization of ink, which extends
the range before it explodes.

Let that sink in. It's SO COOL how
it works! Of course, you lose a
little fire rate, but that's OK when
you have Suction Bombs to flush
out your opponents.

And with the Wave Breaker at your
disposal to reveal their positions,
it's almost like your enemies will
have nowhere to hide!

I recommend this loadout to anyone
who fancies themselves a master
of the hunt.
メインの クラッシュブラスター
連射性能を追求した ブラスターでし!
速い連射と爆発で 相手を近寄らせないでし!

連射力を上げた分 攻撃力は低いので、
相手の逃げ場を無くして 追いこむでし!

それでも逃げる相手には ウルトラショット
たたきこんでやるでし! ガンガン攻めて 前線を
かき回したい人に かわいがって欲しいでし!
You know how blasters tend to have
a low rate of fire? Not the Clash
! Its speedy shots are great
for keeping foes at bay!

Now, it's not going to win any awards
for power, but when you have Splat
to corner your enemies, it'll
get the job done.

And if an opponent still manages to
slip away? That's when you trash
'em with the Trizooka. Talk about
a chaotic combo. If that sounds fun,
this loadout is for you!
メインの クラッシュブラスターネオは、
あしらわれた マイナーチェンジモデルでし

サブカーリングボムと メインは 相性バツグン!
スィーっと近づいて、バンバン! でし

スペシャルデコイチラシを 相手のナワバリに

The Clash Blaster Neo offers the
same functionality as the original
Clash Blaster...but with a fresh
new look and a redeveloped loadout!

First, you've got Curling Bombs to
help you glide across the map
toward your enemies. You know what
to do when you get there, right?

And just when they're onto you,
you can fire off the Super Chump
to send a bunch of exploding Super
Jump decoys into the mix.

This is a balanced set that can help
you pull off some flashy victories.
Give it a try!
メインウェポンの ラピッドブラスター
消費するインク量を おさえ、
さらに 連射性能も高めた ブラスターでし

その分 攻撃力が少し落ちたでしが、
サブトラップで 相手の位置を仲間に知らせて
協力しながら 追いこんでいくでし!

高い連射性能で 弾幕を張って、おまけに
トリプルトルネードを置けば オニに金棒!

仲間と息を合わせて 要所を守りぬきたい
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Rapid Blaster lives up to its
name with an improved rate of fire
and modest ink consumption.

Now, if you know me at all, you know
I'm going to tell you about a big
trade-off, and it's this: low power.
But using the Ink Mine to reveal
enemy positions helps make up for it.

What I'd do with a combo like this is
use the Rapid Blaster to create a
whirlwind of ink, then take it to the
next level with a Triple Inkstrike.

This setup lets you focus in on
key areas of the map—whether you're
defending the home base or pushing
an advance into hostile territory.
メインの ラピッドブラスターデコは、
デコレーションを ほどこしたブラスターでし!

少し低い攻撃力は サブトーピード
補うでし! ダメージをちょっとあたえた相手に
メインをドカン! ってやるとキモチイイでし~


相手をかくらん! カツヤクの幅が広いでしから、
目立ちたがりの使い手に オススメでし!
The Rapid Blaster Deco is a cool,
decorated version of the Rapid
Blaster. Not that the original isn't
cool! You'll have to decide for
yourself which one you like better.

Maybe the overall loadout will help
you make the choice! This one comes
with the Torpedo sub to help make
up for the main weapon's somewhat
low attack power.

And for those moments when you
want to breach the front lines,
you've got the Inkjet special! Not a
bad little surprise to keep in your
back pocket.

This is a versatile set that can really
shine with the right user, so I hope
you get a chance to try it out!
メインウェポンの Rブラスターエリートは、
インクの酸化を 極限までおくらせることで
最長の射程を得た ブラスターでし!

サブポイズンミストで 相手をとらえたら
もうこっちのもんでし! 足がおそくなったところへ
爆発を お見舞いしてやるでし!

近づいてきた相手には キューインキでカウンター!
タクティカルな立ち回りを 楽しみたい使い手に
The Rapid Blaster Pro owes its
incredible range to a chamber system
that delays ink oxidization to the last
possible moment!

With that technology in hand, try
catching your enemies in a little
Toxic Mist before giving them a few
inksplosions as a parting gift.

And if anyone gets too close?
Fire up the Ink Vac, and turn their
own inkpower against them! This is
a set that will make the tactically
inclined player veeery happy.
メインの Rブラスターエリートデコは、
Rブラスターエリートを元に デコ職人さんが
デコレーションをほどこした ブラスターでし!


メインで たおし切れなかったら
絶対に にがさないでしよ~

離れた場所で エモノを追いつめたい
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Rapid Blaster Pro Deco is a
Rapid Blaster Pro that's been
spiffed up by top designers and
paired with a new loadout.

You'll get the same performance
you're used to, but with the Angle
sub, it's easier than ever
to take out distant foes.

And having the Killer Wail 5.1 special
in your back pocket to clean up
loose ends is always a treat. No one
can escape the wail!

This isn't the best set for up-close-
and-personal splatting, but give it
a try if you like to keep your
distance in battle!
使えるようにした ブラスターでし!

発射するでし! ブレが小さく ねらった場所に

発射するでし! 射程が短い代わりに

連射は おそいので注意でし

できることが多くて かわいがりにくいでしが、
うまく使いこなせたら カッコいいでしよ~
ぜひ 試して欲しいでし!
The S-BLAST '92 is an exciting new
blaster that's equipped with two
distinct ink-firing mechanisms.
You'll switch between the two on
the fly based on your movements!

When firing normally, this is a weapon
with balanced accuracy, range, and
power. It won't overwhelm anyone
with sheer force, but I think you'll
hit the target more often than not.

However, when you fire while jumping,
this weapon transforms into a heavy-
duty powerhouse, launching large
blasts of ink that explode nearby.
It's a whole different beast!

Keep in mind that the range will
dip in this mode, but you've got
the Sprinkler sub and Reefslider
special to more than make up the

Will you be one of the first to
master this unique new weapon?
Why not? Give it a try!

カバー! メインでうちもらした相手に すかさず

逆転の のろしを上げるでし! 相手を遠ざけた

What a difference a year makes!
The S-BLAST '91 comes in a different
colorway than the S-BLAST '92—not
to mention it has an entirely new
loadout to play with!

Or is it an "old" loadout, since it's
technically an earlier model of
S-BLAST? Either way, you now have
Burst Bombs to help make up for the
relatively slow fire rate of your main.

Find yourself in a tight spot? It's
nice to have the Booyah Bomb special
in your back pocket. Create a little
space, and then push forward with
your team!

Burst Bombs...Booyah Bombs...
I guess you could say this set is
"the bomb" overall! Or...you don't
have to say that. I...actually can't
believe I just said it...


メインウェポンの パブロは、
とても軽い フデでし!

攻撃力は 期待できないでしが、
高い機動力と スプラッシュボムで かくらんして
反撃のスキをあたえなければ こっちのもんでし!

一気に距離をつめて たたみかけてやるでし!

持ち前の移動速度で 前線をかき乱す!
戦場をかけ回って バトルの常識を
塗り替えたい人に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Inkbrush is a super-light brush
weapon that lets you ink your way
forward with blistering speed!

There's not much room for power
when you're moving that fast, but
you can keep counterattacks at
bay with plenty of Splat Bombs.

Add the Killer Wail 5.1 to the mix,
and you've got a combo that will
confuse and annoy your opponents
into submission!

I can see it now... You blaze across
battle lines...toss a Splat Bomb, and
trigger the Killer Wail just in time to
headbang along as the clock runs out.
Whew! That's inking outside the box!
メインウェポンの パブロ・ヒューは、
別のプレイスタイルを 提案する モデルでし!

かかった相手に スッと近づいて


戦場をいそがしく かけ回る! 仕事好きな
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
If you like the Inkbrush but you're
not thrilled with its base loadout,
why not try something new? By that
I mean the Inkbrush Nouveau!

You can use that patented Inkbrush
mobility to glide across the terrain,
leaving Ink Mines in all sorts of
INK-onvenient places for the other
team as you go.

Find yourself in a tight spot? Blast
your way out with the Ultra Stamp!
Then you can continue inking up
enemy territory like a postmodern
painter gone wild.

This is the perfect set for battle
artists who can't stand to stand still!
メインウェポンの ホクサイは、
穂の密度を高めて 振った時に飛び散る
インク量を多くした フデでし!

場所にいる相手の けん制にも使えるので、
うまく使えば 安全に塗り進むことができるでし!

遠くて近づけない相手には ショクワンダー
後ろに回りこんで バシャバシャすれば
相手は ひとたまりもないでし!

フデ初心者にも 使いやすい構成なので
ぜひ手に取って かわいがって欲しいでし!
The Octobrush has dense bristles
that fling a thick stream of ink with
each slash. It's a heavier entry in the
brush weapon class, which is known
for being light and nimble.

But even with those heavy brush
strokes, you won't be able to reach
everywhere—and that's where the
Suction Bombs come in.

Lastly, if you're up against enemies
with ranged weapons who just won't
engage up close, you've got the
Zipcaster in your back pocket. Zip
on over and give 'em what for!

This is a user-friendly loadout that's
easy for beginner brushers but
capable enough for true artistes!
メインウェポンの ホクサイ・ヒューは、
ホクサイと同じ性能でしが 仲間を導く
プレイスタイルを 提案するモデルでし!

フデで塗り進みながら、物かげに こっそり
ジャンプビーコンを設置! 仲間を呼び集めて、

たおされても、ジャンプビーコンで すぐに前線に
もどれるでし! もどったときに、ジャンプビーコン
置き直しておくと いいでしよ!

絶対に前線を下げたくない 負けずぎらいな
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
Nouveau means "new," and
Octobrush means "Octobrush," so
the Octobrush Nouveau is like a
"new Octobrush"!

That said, it offers the same level
of performance you may already know
from the Octobrush but with a
loadout designed for teamwork.

Use your Squid Beakons to rally
teammates to critical spots on the
map, whether attacking or retreating.
Nothing zips you back to the fray
as quickly!

And when you're on the front line,
the Ink Storm special is a great way
to hold your position. I recommend
this set for aggressive players who
splat and get splatted up front!
メインウェポンの フィンセントは、
射程と攻撃力を両立させた フデでし!

その分 遠くまでインクを飛ばせるでし!


確実に仕留めるでし! 速さと射程をイカした
If you like brushes but wish they
had a bit more range and power,
then you've got to experience the
Painbrush for yourself!

It's all thanks to a unique 90 degree
rotation by the brush head, giving
this weapon the most range of ANY
brush out there.

The trade-off is that each swing is a
bit slower, but this is still a brush
we're talking about. You'll be flying
across the map, and you can use
Curling Bomb to blaze your path.

Add in the Wave Breaker special to
light up your enemies, and you've
got a potent set designed for speed
and extreme range!
メインウェポンの フィンセント・ヒュー


スペシャルマルチミサイルで ねらえば

You wouldn't paint a house and a
miniature with the same paintbrush,
would you? Well, the same applies
to battle, and that's why I offer
the Painbrush Nouveau!

Granted, it technically IS the same
as the base Painbrush, but with a
new loadout, it offers a totally
different battle experience.
I'll explain, of course!

The Point Sensor sub allows you to
mark enemies, making it all the easier
to glide up and splat them with your
brush. Didn't get 'em all? Wipe the
canvas clear with Tenta Missiles!

I think you'll find the other team
has nowhere to hide when you
master the use of this powerful
brush loadout.


メインウェポンの トライストリンガーは、
新たに開発された ストリンガー

 ZR でインクを3方向に発射するんでしが、
立ったままだと ヨコ射、ジャンプ中なら タテ射
といった具合に 飛ばす向きを変えられるでし!

 ZR を長押しして離すと チャージショット!
インクがまとまって 遠くまで飛ぶうえ、
カベやユカに当たると 爆発するようになるでし!

サブポイズンミストは 爆発とあわせて
けん制に使うもよし、相手の足を おそくして


ググッと 引っぱり出して欲しいでし!
I am so excited to share this new
weapon tech with you. Behold the
Tri-Stringer—a stringer-type weapon
that fires in three directions at once!

Press  ZR  while standing or running,
and the ink will fire horizontally.
Press  ZR  while jumping for a shot
that's concentrated vertically. The
flexibility is unparalleled!

And that's not even the best part.
You can hold down  ZR  to charge a
shot! The ink will fly farther AND
explode if it hits a wall or the floor.

I could go on all day about stringers,
but I should mention that the Toxic
sub is great for keeping enemies
at bay, or at least slowing them down.

And for enemies that you can't even
reach with a charged shot, you've
got the Killer Wail 5.1 with supersonic
range at your disposal.

I hope you'll give one of the new
stringers a try!
メインの トライストリンガーコラボは、
トライストリンガーが コラボしたモデルでし!

サブスプリンクラーを おとりに設置し、
こわしに出てきた相手を ねらい撃ち!
しっかりチャージして 一撃で仕留めるでし!

スペシャルデコイチラシも おとりに

きっと 気に入ると思うでし!
The Inkline Tri-Stringer is a fresh
collab between the makers of the
original Tri-Stringer and Inkline.
With a new loadout and look, I hope
Tri-Stringer fans will check it out!

For those on the fence, I've got ideas
about how to take advantage of this
set's strengths. Try luring enemies
with the Sprinkler—a fully charged
Tri-Stringer shot will take 'em out!

And you have the Super Chump decoy
to help you take advantage of the
main weapon's ultra-long range and

I think this setup really lets the
Inkline Tri-Stringer shine, so give
it a fully charged shot!
メインウェポンの LACT-450は、

軽量化の結果 射程やイリョクはひかえめになり、
代わりに チャージキープが可能になったでし!

チャージキープしながら 素早く射程内に近づき、

遠くの相手には スペシャルマルチミサイル

相手のスキをついて 一気に勝負をキメたい
使い手に かわいがって欲しいでし!
The REEF-LUX 450 is a lighter version
of the Tri-Stringer that's a bit more
user-friendly for folks who are new
to stringer-type weapons.

Like most lightweight weapons, it
doesn't pack the biggest punch or
range—no exploding charged shots
here—but it does offer the ability
to store a charge!

This set comes with Curling Bombs
to help you close the gap into enemy
turf quickly, letting you take full
advantage of the nimble nature of
your main weapon.

And when you want to make a big
impact in a hurry, don't forget about
your Tenta Missiles. You can make it
rain missiles on opponents out of
range of the REEF-LUX.

This is a highly mobile loadout that
lets you fight with flexibility and still
take down powerhouse opponents.
I hope you give it a try!
メインウェポンの LACT-450デコ
LACT-450にデコレーションを ほどこし、

でしから、フルチャージ弾を しっかりねらって
遠くの相手に お届けするでし


On the surface, the REEF-LUX 450
is what you might expect—a
decorated version of the REEF-LUX
450. But with a fresh loadout,
it offers new possibilities.

For instance, you can now stake out
a safe area with the Splash Wall sub,
allowing you a window of opportunity
to snipe far-off foes with fully
charged shots.

And when that special gauge is full,
don't hesitate to twist the wrist and
fire off a Reefslider special. It's a
great way to help push the front line
forward for your team.

I recommend this set for folks who
simply love inking turf but also want
the option to boldly venture behind
enemy lines when the moment is right.


メインウェポンの ジムワイパーは、
より攻撃的に改良した ワイパーでし!

ドライブワイパーに比べると タメ斬りに必要な

タメ斬りのあとは、すかさず ヨコ斬りや
サブクイックボムで 追撃すると

一気に間合いをつめて 斬りつけるのも

相手のスキをとらえ 一撃で倒す、
If you're looking for a splatana-
type weapon with a bit more OOMPH,
look no further than the Splatana
, my friend!

Now, this weapon takes a bit longer
to charge than the Splatana Wiper,
but the trade-off is a wider, more
powerful spray of ink. It can really
do some damage!

Give this a try: fire off a charged
slash, and follow it quickly with
a horizontal slash or Burst Bombs.
Not sure what they call a one-two
punch in swordplay, but this is it!

And with the Zipcaster special, you're
practically buckling swashes! Er,
swashBUCKLING. What I mean to say
is you're basically a laser space
pirate with elite space-pirate tech!
メインウェポンの ジムワイパー・ヒュー



引き出せるでし! 試して欲しいでし!
The Splatana Stamper Nouveau offers the
same performance as the Splatana
Stamper but with a new look and
a whole new play style!

Don't believe me? Imagine you're
caught in some Toxic Mist, and the
other team comes in and splats you
instantly with a charged slash. Only
that's what YOU can do to THEM!

Not to mention the Crab Tank special,
which is a total game changer. Now
you've got the splatana for up-close-
and-personal fighting and the Crab
Tank to strike from afar. Formidable!

If you like splatanas but wish you
had a longer range, give this set a
try! Once you master the sub and
special, this set can be really...
special. It's so nice I said it twice!
メインウェポンの ドライブワイパーは、

 ZR でブキを振って 素早く ヨコ斬り
 ZR を長押しして離すと タメ斬りになって

また、タメ斬りのとき 🅛を前に倒していると
正面に素早く ふみこみながら攻撃するでし!
これを食らった相手は ひとたまりもないでし!

サブトーピードで 相手の位置を見つけ、
攻撃を かいくぐりながら 近寄り一撃!
くぅ~! シビれるでし!

さらには 素早く斬りこんだあと、
スペシャルウルトラハンコで にげる相手を

他のブキとは戦いのスタイルが ちがうでしから、
このブキで ナワバリバトルの新境地を
The Splatana Wiper is part of an
entirely new category of weapons
known as splatanas! These sword-
like slashers can fling ink through
the power of centrifugal force.

To do a basic horizontal slash, just
press  ZR . But you can also hold
 ZR  to unleash a vertical slash that
will really send some ink flying!

On top of that, if you perform a
vertical slash while tilting 🅛 a bit
forward, you'll step forward with the
attack, adding enough power to
flatten most foes.

Paired with the Torpedo sub, you can
slash across the battlefield and level
your enemies with a single stroke.
It's almost too good!

And I haven't even mentioned the
Ultra Stamp special yet. If the
other team hasn't surrendered,
the Ultra Stamp is sure to make
'em think twice.

If you want to be among the first
trailblazers in the splatana-fighting
genre, this set is for you!
メインウェポンの ドライブワイパーデコ
ドライブワイパーをベースに デコ職人さんが
デコレーションをほどこした ワイパーでし!

ブキの軽さをイカして 前線に切りこみ、
サブジャンプビーコンを 置きまくるでし!

マルチミサイルで 相手の居場所を教えて、

メインのスピードと攻撃性能は そのままに
What's the Splatana Wiper Deco and
how is it different from a Splatana
Wiper, you ask? Well, it's got a new
look! And more significantly, an all-
new loadout.

Now you can use this lightweight
weapon to splash a path to the
front lines, where you can place
Squid Beakons to rally the team.

Once you've all hit your marks, fire
up the Tenta Missiles special to
scope out enemy positions and
start tearing things up.

This is a versatile set that's designed
for team players who thrive in a
support role without giving up too
much speed or offensive firepower.
Try it out!